
President Trump freed Kim Jong Un & North Korea from our CIA/Deep State years ago.

Kim Jong Un is NOT the boogie man that the media lead you to believe and think he was for decades. Just like Trump, Putin, and many other world leaders — they lied about all of them while propping up sociopathic Satanic world leaders who rape, torture and traffic children.

Trump, Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un, King Salman and many more other good leaders have been working together with Trump to dismantle the global Satanic pedophile elites for a long time. The media not only ignored this, they lied about it and covered it up.

That’s the truth — and [they] are terrified!

So this is why you’re seeing this unprecedented red-carpet rollout for President Putin in North Korea.

If you don’t know about any of this — you have A LOT of catching up to do!

For those of you who don’t think Kim Jong Un and North Korea was controlled by our CIA/Deep State, let me remind you of this inconvenient fact!

On Aug. 8, 2008, Doug Band, former deputy assistant to President Bill Clinton, sent an e-mail to John Podesta with others cc’d including Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s top adviser, and Arthur Schwartz. (Side note: Arthur is the father of Jacob Schwartz, the Bill de Blasio aide, who was arrested for child porn.)

Band’s e-mail read: As John said, it doesn’t get any better than this.

Attached to this e-mail was a photo of Euna Lee, Laura Ling and an Asian child with a slice of pizza in her mouth.

Pizza is a pedophile code word confirmed now by the FBI, DOJ records, many local law enforcement, the Wall Street Journal and more!

This e-mail is highly concerning because Bill Clinton and Band came to the rescue of Lee and Ling after they were detained in North Korea while allegedly “reporting” on human trafficking. Bill flew to North Korea to negotiate their release on a private plane owned by Steve Bing. This is noteworthy because Bing, like Bill, has taken multiple confirmed trips to child rapist and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile island. Also, it should be noted Bing allegedly committed suicide in 2020.

Not only was North Korea controlled by our CIA, it was used as a hub for child sex trafficking!

Wake the fuck up people! Receipts below, as always.👇🏻🤗

🇰🇵🇵🇸North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un:

The world must not take a neutral stance on this genocide and must stand with the oppressed. Otherwise, there will come a time when they face injustice and are abandoned by the world. Everyone must unite against America and Israel. Freedom for Palestine.


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