
2014 was het dodelijkste jaar voor Palestijnen sinds 1967:


Vandaag, 1 april 2015, sluit Palestina zich aan bij het Internationale Gerechtshof in Den Haag:,Authorised=false.html?

Span gelijk maar een zaak aan tegen Israel wegens misdaden tegen de menselijkheid in Gaza!

Amnesty International, Avaaz en nog een aantal andere zogeheten NGO's zijn bezig met een campagne voor militaire interventie in Syrie:

Ik zal deze keer eens Avaaz eruit lichten, aangezien ik regelmatig oproepen krijg van 'bewuste' en 'kritische' mensen die mij aansporen om weer een petitie van deze club te ondertekenen:

In February, Avaaz began a petition against the BDS Movement, a “global movement for a campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights was initiated by Palestinian civil society in 2005.”

BDS supports the efforts of the Palestinian people to be free of the genocidal tyranny imposed over them by the Zionist-controlled Israeli government. And Avaaz is against this fight for freedom. Avaaz’s online petition promised to pressure elected officials in favor of Israeli settlers who were being “discriminated” against by the Palestinian people. The backing of the occupation of Israel in Palestine is foremost to Avaaz.

De onderste steen boven? Het 'onderzoek' naar de ware toedracht achter het neerschieten van MH17 zou er wel eens op uit kunnen draaien dat deze oorzaak 'onbekend' zal blijven om hooggeplaatste figuren achter de schermen de hand boven het hoofd te houden:

Racistische cartoons van arabieren vallen onder 'vrijheid van meningsuiting'. Drie keer raden wie hier achter zit? Waarom denk je dat 'anti-semitische' cartoons niet vallen onder 'vrijheid van meningsuiting?

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Deze vooraanstaande Britse parlementarier noemt Netanyahu een oorlogsmisdadiger, nu Palestina zich heeft aangesloten bij het Internationaal Gerechtshof:

Deze twee moedige Amerikaanse parlementariers willen de Patriot Act terugdraaien:

Laten we hopen dat ze hierin slagen.

Spuit 11 geeft ook modder:

Mike Rivero:

Netanyahu's arrogance is showing. First, Iran (and the other nations in the region) have made it abundantly clear they will recognize Israel's right to exist ... one second after Israel recognizes Palestine's right to exist. But as long as Israel maintains a policy of "We have a right to exist but you do not", the situation will deteriorate. Second, Israel is not a party to the P5+1 negotiations, so what Israel rejects has no real meaning, especially since Netanyahu's grandstanding speech to Congress has lost Israel the presumed US veto in all thing United Nations.

Kurt Nimmo over de hypocrisie achter kernmachten Amerika en Israel, die Iran de les willen lezen:

Ron Paul vroeg al in 2011 waarom Iran eigenlijk geen kernmacht zou mogen zijn:

Zelfs de Washington Post vraagt zich af waarom het OK is voor Israel om nukes te hebben, maar niet voor Iran:

Het moet niet gekker worden: zelfs de CFR (Council on Foreign relations) vindt dat Iran de bom moet hebben:

Mike Rivero (

Iran should be allowed to have a nuclear bomb.

Let us start with the fact that Iran has not invaded another country in a war of aggression in over 200 years, standing in sharp contrast with Israel and the United States, which these days cannot seem to go three months without invading, bombing, drone striking, or overthrowing some other nation.

Then let us talk numbers. Let is suppose Iran has one or two nuclear weapons. Israel, now confirmed to have had nuclear weapons since the 1970s, has anywhere from 200 to 800 nuclear weapons, including hydrogen bombs that the US helped it develop, according to a recently declassified US document. Israel has so many nuclear weapons that they tried to sell one to the former government of South Africa, according to documents released by the new government of South Africa. The United States has thousands of nuclear weapons, enough to destroy the surface of planet Earth, and bounce the rubble for an encore. So if Iran had one or two nuclear weapons, they might put them in a museum or march them down the main street of Tehran in a military parade, but they are not going to attack either the US or Israel, because the end result would be Iran melted into a giant slab of green glass.

What an Iranian nuclear bomb does accomplish is to make it far more costly for either Israel or the United States to invade Iran. That the US and Israel want to attack Iran is no secret; both have been talking about such a plan for decades. Israel wants to smash a regional political rival (as they did in Iraq) while the US wants to restore Iran to US puppet rule in order to profit from Iran's oil. The push to prevent Iran from creating a nuclear weapon is not based on fears of an Iranian attack but fears of an Iran invulnerable to conquest. For the people of the world, already weary of war after 12 years, allowing Iran to have a nuclear deterrent seems like a good way to reduce the possibility of these wars expanding into an all out World War III in which nuclear weapons inevitably will be used by the US, Israel, and anyone else who has them.

And please keep in mind that despite all the talk about Iraq's non-existent nuclear weapons and Iran's non-existent nuclear weapons, only one nation has actually used nuclear weapons against the civilians of another country; the United States. If any nation should be barred from having nuclear weapons, we should start with the nation with a history of using them!


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