Joy Moeller zegt o.a. dat:
Het belangrijk is om met je mond dicht te slapen: tegen allergieen o.a.;
Op je rug te slapen;
Goed te kauwen: smoothies zijn niet goed voor de spijsvertering, want je hypofyse krijgt niet genoeg signalen wat ook effect heeft op je enzymaanmaak;
Je tong tegen je verhemelte aan te leggen, hetgeen je gezichtsspieren, houding en zelfs -structuur beinvloedt: anders ga je bijv. onbewust met je handen aan je hoofd zitten (ter ondersteuning).
Goed gebruik van de tong in de mond heeft invloed op een klachten als slaapapneu en tandenknarsen.
Als je eet moet je een beetje voorovergebogen zitten: niet naar achteren.
Dit heeft te maken met de tongpositie.
[...] if the tongue is not going up to the roof of the mouth when a person swallows; the sphenoid bone does not rotate properly and growth hormones are not being released from the pituitary gland. The whole pumping action of your tongue going up to the roof of your mouth during swallowing (500-1000 times a day), may help to expand the nasal cavity and also stimulate the sphenoid bone to rotate and secrete hormones from the pituitary gland.
Many mistakenly believe that the tongue is a muscle, but it’s actually an organ, which has very strong muscles in it. It contains one of the strongest working groups of muscles in your body. The job of the tongue is to protect the airway, encourage normal forward facial growth when postured correctly in the roof of the mouth, aid speech, and move food around when chewing.
If someone is sitting with a forward upward tilted head, it’s virtually impossible to swallow comfortably. A forward head posture causes an alteration in the swallowing mechanism due to muscle tension. We can correct the actual functional posturing, give you exercises, and make you aware of where your tongue is at all times. Pretty soon, correct tongue posture becomes a habit. It becomes a different function that your body adapts to.
If your tongue is resting in between your teeth, or against your teeth, or when you swallow it’s pushing or it’s resting down in the floor of your mouth, it may prevent your jaw joints from functioning normally.
Grinding and clenching your teeth is another sign you may need to retrain your orofacial muscles. Grinding is often related to some form of sleep disorder. It’s an upper airway obstruction that the body attempts to move the jaws in order to open the airway because things aren’t functioning properly. To get all your oral-facial and neck muscles working correctly can make a huge difference.
Over de beinvloedbaarheid van de vorm van de gezichts- en kaakstructuur en gevolgen:
Everybody thinks, ‘Oh, your face is your face.’ But you know, I see a lot of people that have these long-face syndromes from sleeping on their sides or stomach, mouth-breathing, and resting their tongue in the wrong place. You change that and there are little cells called osteoblasts and osteoclasts. They break down and build up, break down and build up, and within a very short time – months – the whole shape of their face changes.¨
Ze heeft het ook over Buteyko:
I use some of the Buteyko breathing exercises as well. The Buteyko Breathing Method is a powerful set of health-care guidelines and methodology for reversing over-breathing or hyperventilation. I incorporate the breathing exercises into my therapy.;utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20130407!
Het belangrijk is om met je mond dicht te slapen: tegen allergieen o.a.;
Op je rug te slapen;
Goed te kauwen: smoothies zijn niet goed voor de spijsvertering, want je hypofyse krijgt niet genoeg signalen wat ook effect heeft op je enzymaanmaak;
Je tong tegen je verhemelte aan te leggen, hetgeen je gezichtsspieren, houding en zelfs -structuur beinvloedt: anders ga je bijv. onbewust met je handen aan je hoofd zitten (ter ondersteuning).
Goed gebruik van de tong in de mond heeft invloed op een klachten als slaapapneu en tandenknarsen.
Als je eet moet je een beetje voorovergebogen zitten: niet naar achteren.
Dit heeft te maken met de tongpositie.
[...] if the tongue is not going up to the roof of the mouth when a person swallows; the sphenoid bone does not rotate properly and growth hormones are not being released from the pituitary gland. The whole pumping action of your tongue going up to the roof of your mouth during swallowing (500-1000 times a day), may help to expand the nasal cavity and also stimulate the sphenoid bone to rotate and secrete hormones from the pituitary gland.
Many mistakenly believe that the tongue is a muscle, but it’s actually an organ, which has very strong muscles in it. It contains one of the strongest working groups of muscles in your body. The job of the tongue is to protect the airway, encourage normal forward facial growth when postured correctly in the roof of the mouth, aid speech, and move food around when chewing.
If someone is sitting with a forward upward tilted head, it’s virtually impossible to swallow comfortably. A forward head posture causes an alteration in the swallowing mechanism due to muscle tension. We can correct the actual functional posturing, give you exercises, and make you aware of where your tongue is at all times. Pretty soon, correct tongue posture becomes a habit. It becomes a different function that your body adapts to.
If your tongue is resting in between your teeth, or against your teeth, or when you swallow it’s pushing or it’s resting down in the floor of your mouth, it may prevent your jaw joints from functioning normally.
Grinding and clenching your teeth is another sign you may need to retrain your orofacial muscles. Grinding is often related to some form of sleep disorder. It’s an upper airway obstruction that the body attempts to move the jaws in order to open the airway because things aren’t functioning properly. To get all your oral-facial and neck muscles working correctly can make a huge difference.
Over de beinvloedbaarheid van de vorm van de gezichts- en kaakstructuur en gevolgen:
Everybody thinks, ‘Oh, your face is your face.’ But you know, I see a lot of people that have these long-face syndromes from sleeping on their sides or stomach, mouth-breathing, and resting their tongue in the wrong place. You change that and there are little cells called osteoblasts and osteoclasts. They break down and build up, break down and build up, and within a very short time – months – the whole shape of their face changes.¨
Ze heeft het ook over Buteyko:
I use some of the Buteyko breathing exercises as well. The Buteyko Breathing Method is a powerful set of health-care guidelines and methodology for reversing over-breathing or hyperventilation. I incorporate the breathing exercises into my therapy.;utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20130407!