Meer vrouwen aan de top! De grote jongens (Trump en Poetin) nemen het nu over. Ga maar doen waar je goed in bent, baren en koken.

  • Haha
Waarderingen: Surv
Eens te meer wordt duidelijk hoe makkelijk het eigenlijk is om ze de baas te zijn. De deep state gebruikt vrouwen en betamannen, het enige wat je moet doen is alfa zijn en dan is het spel uitgespeeld.

Ya know, I'm not going to embarrass anybody who has been making an ass of themselves, but you know exactly who you are. Now pay attention!

I find it amazing that you "stood beside us" as hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of Americans, died during COVID-19 because Democrats and fauci gave incentives to hospitals who had patients die from COVID. Our own government LITERALLY worked at killing us and breaking us down with forced vaccinations. They forbid us from going to church, going to work, going to weddings or funerals. But they let antifa and black lives matter riot in the streets by the thousands and burn down our cities.

You watched as our economy was destroyed, partly by your country! Canada and Mexico both were abusing American workers by charging our corporations to do business with your countries! You profited from that exploitation, but not a peep from you!

You watched as nearly 2,000 J6 Patriots were jailed illegally for years. You watched as Biden betrayed us repeatedly. You watched as queers and trannies assaulted the innocence of our children, you watched as our own leaders forbid parents the right to defend their children. Oh, and your government applauded that wickedness.

You watched as Democrats fought to kill our unborn babies.

We lost our jobs and our freedoms. You watched as Patriots battled oppression and many lost nearly everything in this fight. You watched as red blooded, hard working Americans became homeless, losing family and friends along the way. You watched as banks revoked the mortgages of Trump supporters and the IRS made life a living hell for us.

You watched as salt of the earth, American hurricane victims were ignored. Many of them died because they supported Trump instead of Kamala Harris. They were passed over by rescue workers because they wanted freedom!

You cheered for us from the sidelines. You gave us encouragement while you watched us go through it. But apparently you didn't understand the true price we were paying.

So now you're starting to go through some of what we did. Trump is finally penalizing your government with tariffs for exploiting us...yes your government is STILL exploiting us! Trump is placing tariffs on your country, not to get back at your countries for what you've done to us, but to just make things fair! The tariffs disappear once trade becomes equally beneficial!

And you're crying about that?

We have extended our hands to you, fought for you, taught you lessons for the fight. And your response is to turn on us? You're blaming Trump for fighting your Government on your behalf? You're mad that Trump is fighting for his own country? Did you not know what we went thru and are still going through? The first moment it costs you something you get self righteous? The first moment it hurts, you cower and lash out?


Oh, and some of you have tried to make a deal out of your country's military service in the middle east. Let's set the record straight here. Many, many more Americans died in Iraq and Afghanistan than any of our partner forces. We foot the largest bills of those wars. It's all tragic and terrible, but you need to put things in perspective. Freedom isn't free and we've dearly paid our dues...and YOUR freedom and safety has been preserved by AMERICAN men and women who have fought and died in battle.

Have you forgotten that you're ranting at a group of Patriots that contains a VERY large number of United States military veterans?

We're trying to help you. But if you're too scared, then go back to being subjects of the crown. Go back to living in constant fear of the cartels. Keep immigrating into our country for a better life. But beware, Democrats aren't in charge anymore so if you come here, do it legally, and prepare to work for what you get!

Lastly, if you're not going to help yourselves, then get the hell out of our way as we help your countrymen, who are actually dedicated to the cause of liberating your nation!

“The Russian Military is taking chips from dishwashers & refrigerators to fix military hardware”

“Russia’s financial sector is on Life Support”

Never forget how European Leaders & The Biden Administration lied to you relentlessly about the war in Ukraine.

Why would you believe a single word they say now?


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