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Buenos Dias weisse Taube
Flieg hinauf ins Himmelzelt
Bring die Hoffnung und den Frieden
Allen Menschen dieser Welt
Buenos Dias weisse Taube
Sag was du von Freiheit meinst
Und ein ganzes Meer von Tränen
War doch nicht umsonst geweint
Es war ein alter Mann / In einem fremden Land / Die Sonne brennt erbarmungslos / Und heiss / Eine weisse Taube hielt er in seiner / Hand / Streichelt sie und sagt zu ihr / Ganz
The White House is desperately trying to change Nicki Minaj’s stance on the vaccine. They want to stop her from redpilling her almost 200 MILLION followers (22 million on Twitter & 157 million on Instagram). Guess what? Not gonna work. Once you are awake, there is no going back to sleep.
I believe it would be fair to say
You look bewildered
And you wonder why I'm here today
And so you should, I would
When I left I felt I'd had enough
But in the shape and form I appear now
I have learned to cope
And love and hope is why I am here now
As the mainstream media attacks her for expressing skepticism about the coronavirus vaccine, rap superstar Nicki Minaj has hit back against cancel culture, comparing it to the suppression of free speech in Communist China.