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Kan iemand mij uitleggen hoe de deepstate in Azië is opgebouwd?

In Amerika en Europa zijn bijna alle politici gecorrumpeerd door de grote banken en de EU.

In China is het duidelijk, alles valt onder het centraal bestuur van de CCP.

Het gaat mij meer om landen zoals Japan en Zuid-Korea. Mike heeft ooit uitgelegd dat daar geen problemen met migratie en LHBTQ zijn omdat de bevolking zich anders hevig zou verzetten. Het lijkt er dus meer op dat de grote bedrijven het voor het zeggen hebben ipv de overheid. Dit is niet zo gek als je kijkt naar de totale werktijd en de status die een baan met zich mee brengt.
Ik ben geen expert op het gebied van de DS in Azie. Wat ik weet van Z. Korea is dat de DS daar volop actief is. Denk alleen al aan die MK ultra K-Pop artiesten. Maar ook de Zuid-Koreaanse pers die constant disinfo verspreidt over hun buurland Noord-Korea. Er is een reden waarom Trump Azie bezocht als tweede buitenlandse continent, na Saoedi-Arabie.

Als ik op Youtube zoek naar K-pop, kom ik uit op dit soort clips... Ziet er idd MK-Ultra achtig uit.

Kevin 22 Apr, 2022 09:35
HomeWorld News

Kim Jong-un pens farewell letter to South Korean leader​

Kim Jong-un thanked outgoing South Korean President Moon Jae-in for the joint work to resolve tensions
Kim Jong-un pens farewell letter to South Korean leader

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in in Samjiyon, North Korea, 2018. © Pyongyang Press Corps / Getty Images

Kim Jong-un has thanked outgoing South Korean President Moon Jae-in for his “historic” work to improve the relations between the two neighbors.
Moon steps down next month to be replaced by conservative president-elect Yoon Suk-yeol, who has signaled that he will take a tougher line on North Korea.
“Kim Jong-un appreciated the pains and effort taken by Moon Jae-in for the great cause of the nation until the last days of his term of office,” Pyongyang’s state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on Friday.
The North Korean leader paid tribute to “historic joint declarations giving hope for the future to the entire nation” signed by him and Moon.
“The exchange of the personal letters between the top leaders of the North and the South is an expression of their deep trust,” KCNA said.
North Korea boasts ‘tactical nuke’ progress
North Korea boasts ‘tactical nuke’ progress

Moon has had several high-profile meetings with Kim. In 2018, he became the first South Korean president to visit Pyongyang in more than a decade, and the first leader from Seoul to give a speech to the North Korean public. He also helped to arrange historical meetings between Kim and then-US President Donald Trump in 2018 and 2019.
Moon’s office confirmed the exchange of “letters of friendship” with the North. “The era of confrontation should be overcome with dialogue,” the outgoing president wrote in his farewell message.
The exchange of letters came amid a wave of heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula, as Pyongyang has tested several missiles in recent months. In March, North Korea announced that it had successfully launched its largest intercontinental ballistic missile, the Hwasong-17, capable of reaching the US.
The White House condemned the launch, accusing North Korea of “destabilizing the security situation in the region.” Seoul test-fired its own missile in late March, in an apparent response to the test in the North.
Unlike Moon’s Democratic Party of Korea, Yoon’s People Power Party (PPP) traditionally holds a more hawkish stance towards North Korea. Last month, Yoon described Pyongyang as his country’s “main enemy.”
During Yoon’s election campaign, his adviser Park Jin said that he was seeking to redeploy US submarines and nuclear bombers to the Korea Peninsila, and to “normalize” the US-South Korean military drills, which were scaled back by Yoon’s predecessor.
Several media outlets reported this week that US President Joe Biden was preparing to visit South Korea next month and hold a summit with Yoon.
Oekraïne mislukt, volgende poging?

Yoon Suk-yeol, who has signaled that he will take a tougher line on North Korea.

Unlike Moon’s Democratic Party of Korea, Yoon’s People Power Party (PPP) traditionally holds a more hawkish stance towards North Korea. Last month, Yoon described Pyongyang as his country’s “main enemy.” 22 Apr, 2022 09:35
HomeWorld News

Kim Jong-un pens farewell letter to South Korean leader​

Kim Jong-un thanked outgoing South Korean President Moon Jae-in for the joint work to resolve tensions
Kim Jong-un pens farewell letter to South Korean leader

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in in Samjiyon, North Korea, 2018. © Pyongyang Press Corps / Getty Images

Kim Jong-un has thanked outgoing South Korean President Moon Jae-in for his “historic” work to improve the relations between the two neighbors.
Moon steps down next month to be replaced by conservative president-elect Yoon Suk-yeol, who has signaled that he will take a tougher line on North Korea.
“Kim Jong-un appreciated the pains and effort taken by Moon Jae-in for the great cause of the nation until the last days of his term of office,” Pyongyang’s state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on Friday.
The North Korean leader paid tribute to “historic joint declarations giving hope for the future to the entire nation” signed by him and Moon.
“The exchange of the personal letters between the top leaders of the North and the South is an expression of their deep trust,” KCNA said.
North Korea boasts ‘tactical nuke’ progress
North Korea boasts ‘tactical nuke’ progress
Moon has had several high-profile meetings with Kim. In 2018, he became the first South Korean president to visit Pyongyang in more than a decade, and the first leader from Seoul to give a speech to the North Korean public. He also helped to arrange historical meetings between Kim and then-US President Donald Trump in 2018 and 2019.
Moon’s office confirmed the exchange of “letters of friendship” with the North. “The era of confrontation should be overcome with dialogue,” the outgoing president wrote in his farewell message.
The exchange of letters came amid a wave of heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula, as Pyongyang has tested several missiles in recent months. In March, North Korea announced that it had successfully launched its largest intercontinental ballistic missile, the Hwasong-17, capable of reaching the US.
The White House condemned the launch, accusing North Korea of “destabilizing the security situation in the region.” Seoul test-fired its own missile in late March, in an apparent response to the test in the North.
Unlike Moon’s Democratic Party of Korea, Yoon’s People Power Party (PPP) traditionally holds a more hawkish stance towards North Korea. Last month, Yoon described Pyongyang as his country’s “main enemy.”
During Yoon’s election campaign, his adviser Park Jin said that he was seeking to redeploy US submarines and nuclear bombers to the Korea Peninsila, and to “normalize” the US-South Korean military drills, which were scaled back by Yoon’s predecessor.
Several media outlets reported this week that US President Joe Biden was preparing to visit South Korea next month and hold a summit with Yoon.
Yoon als de Biden van Zuid-Korea.
Oekraïne mislukt, volgende poging?

Yoon Suk-yeol, who has signaled that he will take a tougher line on North Korea.

Unlike Moon’s Democratic Party of Korea, Yoon’s People Power Party (PPP) traditionally holds a more hawkish stance towards North Korea. Last month, Yoon described Pyongyang as his country’s “main enemy.”
Enkel aan de rand van de afgrond zal men verandering eisen. Blijkbaar in dit geval niet bereikt.
Without food, medicine, petrol and with power outages up to 15 hours a day in Sri Lanka 🇱🇰, the police are unable to contain the anger of the starving People. Politicians are beaten and their homes and cars are being set on fire or thrown into rivers.

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