Bijbel en intuïtie

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Zie je onder de titel dat witte vinkje met blauwe achtergrond met daarnaast 'fact checked'? Dat is dus TPV. I knew it.

Atheists are the furthest from the truth. Even Satanists have it more correct than they do.

Atheism is the outward expression of their internal struggle.

If atheism was correct then what’s the point of trying to convince others ? Since we all just clumps of cells in a vast universe of random and nothingness.

If they can convince someone else that God doesn’t exist it somehow justifies THEIR OWN unrighteous lifestyle and quells the inherent guilt they carry for walking and living in degeneracy

You are correct in asking this question and persevering after getting the stock reply. Here's my take on this:

Jesus died for our sins not to absolve us from sin. If that were the case man would have been free of sin ever since. Think about it. Thousands of Christ's followers could have stood in front of the cross and prevented the crucifixion from happening. Instead, they spat at Jesus and cheered on his murder. Jesus didn't die for our sins but BECAUSE OF our sins.

Yet many apostles used this phrase, so it is written. What are we to make of this? Didn't Christ predict his own death and wasn't it therefore inevitable? Not if you factor in free will and personal responsibility. Christ knew he was dealing with a serious sin among his fellows - cowardice. He died on the cross to show those cowardly sinners who allowed him to be crucified that it's worth dying for your principles if these are love, truth and courage.

Fast forward over 2,000 years later and let's look at the current genocide taking place in the land of Jesus on the people of Jesus by the very same Pharisees who betrayed Christ and had him crucified. Once again we see hordes of so-called 'Christians' cheering on this mass murder, as they cowardly side with the forces of evil once again.

Nothing has been learned. Absolutely nothing. After Christ's death on the cross, the apostles broke away from Judaism and formed their own religion based on Christ's teachings. For three centuries, the Romans tried to destroy this sect and its followers. Christians were put to the awful choice of either denouncing their faith or being fed to hungry lions. They chose to be mauled by lions' jaws. Seems to me those early Christians understood Christ's example of dying for your beliefs pretty well. How many 'Christians' today would do the same if given a choice between a principled death or a cowardly life?

Accepting a blood sacrifice for our sins is a Satanic interpretation coming from Rome, which decided to adopt Christianity in 325 AD after they found they couldn't get rid of those pesky Christians. If you can't beat them, hijack them instead. They also introduced the Holy Trinity, in which Jesus became God the Son instead of the Son of God. This is actually blasphemy and has been in every religion, including Christianity up until the Nicene Creed. God cannot be human, nor can He die for he is Eternal Life.

There are many more things wrong with modern Christianity, including the Rapture and the Tribulation, all of them selective readings from the Bible which were not part of early Christianity. And don't even get me started about so-called 'Judeo-Christian values'. But I think this is enough for now.


Uitstekende preek over seksualiteit in de bijbel, waaruit blijkt dat feminisme niets nieuws is en leidt tot vrouwelijke hoogmoed en mannelijke lafheid, voortkomend uit goddeloosheid en leidend tot de vernietiging van gezinnen en naties.

Laatst bewerkt:
So, let me get this straight…

Jesus of the Bible, our Lord and Savior, would be TOTALLY FINE with an unrepentant, sinful lifestyle according to this WOKE commercial.

Feet washing in the Bible is a symbol of humility, and ultimate fealty to Jesus.

Yes, Jesus loves us all.

HOWEVER, He does NOT love, or appreciate your SIN, and it certainly isn’t worthy of feet washing.



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