Bijbel en intuïtie

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Four Daily Wire employees, all Christians, have approached me (their identities will remain anonymous for safety reasons) and leaked information about an "Impromptu Town Hall" that Jeremy Boreing (CEO of Daily Wire) hosted on the day of Candace's firing.

Jeremy Boreing sent an email to all Daily Wire employees inviting them to an "Impromptu Town Hall" in Candace Owens' studio.

The Town Hall was led by Boreing, with Andrew Klavan repeating many of the corporate talking points on his show the next day.

The four employees told me that the Town Hall attempted to BRAINWASH the employees present into believing that Candace was, in fact, an antisemite.

They view it as an extreme form of damage control to scare and prevent employees from speaking out against Owens' firing later that day.

"The feeling was that they didn't just want her gone, they wanted everyone to hate her like Ben does."

"It was straight up propaganda."

These subjects were brought up during the Town Hall:

- Candace's repeated use of "Christ is King" was deemed antisemitic, dating back to November when a meeting with Ben Shapiro was leaked. In the meeting, he badmouthed Owens for not being overtly Pro-Israel.

- A clip of Nick Fuentes chanting "Christ is king" was played. This expression made Shapiro particularly angry, and since Fuentes is deemed an antisemite by the ADL, it was used to suggest Owens was an antisemite by association.

- A clip from Owens on Fresh & Fit was played where a "ka-ching" sound effect was heard in the background; this was an attempt to associate her with the stereotype that Jews love money.

The employees also told me that Ben had been bitter in his attitude towards Candace, as her show was outperforming Ben's and was much better received.

Some employees are planning a lawsuit against The Daily Wire, feeling intimidated and threatened by the meeting, and also because of what they believe is an attack on Christianity at the company.

They felt the phrase "Christ is King" was seriously deemed to be antisemitic by Boreing, Klavan, and Ben. It was Candace's repeated use of the phrase, along with her not being overtly Pro-Israel, that ultimately led to her firing.

After hearing this, no Christian, or anyone with genuine morals, should have a Daily Wire subscription or support the company in any way, shape, or form.

It is clear that Christianity is under attack at The Daily Wire, with Christian employees feeling so intimidated that they are actually consulting their lawyers.

This is totally unacceptable and must not be supported.

Candace Owens did nothing wrong.

Tomorrow is Easter. Now is as good a time as any to share with you my thoughts on early Christianity vs. its Roman distortions. This may piss off a few Christians and I may lose followers over this, but the truth needs to be said.

Who betrayed and murdered Christ? The Pharisees and Romans did. No one can deny this. Who are the enemies of humanity to this day? Why, it's the very same Pharisees and Romans. Except today they are called Zionists and Zionist Christians.

But let's go back to the first three centuries of Christianity, shall we? Back then it was a sect, not a religion. The Apostles decided to follow the teachings of Christ after he was crucified and separated and distanced themselves from Judaism. They knew full well who the enemy was - it was their fellow Jews, who were in cahoots with the Romans.

For three centuries, the Romans tried to destroy this new Christian sect. Christians were put into arenas and told to kneel before the Roman emperor. When they refused, they were fed to hungry lions. Those early Christians remembered the sacrifice Christ had made. They knew he died for the divine principles of Love, Truth and Courage. This is what is really meant by the phrase that Jesus died for our sins. Our sin was cowardice, it still is. But those early Christians made the same selfless sacrifice.

How many Christians today would do the same if faced with this awful choice? The people of Gaza are truly the people of Jesus in the land of Jesus. They, too, are willing to die for Love, Truth and Courage. Don't be misled by their current Muslim faith, which is a result of various conversions throughout history. By their fruits you shall know them. And Christians and Jews want to kill them. By their fruits they, too, shall be known.

We know the Jews are traitors and murderers. But how did Christians go from making the same sacrifice as Jesus to siding with the traitors of Jesus to kill the people of Jesus in the land of Jesus? The answer is Rome. After three centuries of persecuting Christians they finally decided that if you can't beat them you must hijack them.

Emperor Constantine declared Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman empire. In 325 AD the Council of Nicea introduced the concept of the Holy Trinity, in which the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit were pronounced to be seperate entities who together form God. There's only one problem: there's no mention of the Trinity anywhere in the Bible. When you speak to Christian leaders, all they can say is that the Trinity is inferred. They will cite Bible verses which they claim show Jesus is God in the flesh, but this is once again an interpretation.

Since the Holy Trinity is a Roman invention I can make an inference as well - and that is that the Apostles and pre-Roman Christians were non-Trinitarians. Who do you believe, the Christian founders or their hijackers, the murderers of Christ? It seems to me the Romans weren't quite willing to accept monotheism and with their concept of the Trinity they were able to hold on to some form of polytheism by dividing God up into three. All modern Christian denominations, including the Protestant ones, come from Rome and are Trinitarian, thus believing the blasphemous notion that God can be a mortal human.

The next historical blasphemy occurred in the Protestant evangelical faith. Dispensationalism is an end-times theology which once again relies on vague interpretations of the Bible, rather than literal text. It has successfully united Christians with their Pharisean bloodline as though they were brothers.

Christians have now fully embraced their Jewish and Roman enemies, a complete betrayal and denial of Christ and his teachings! Genocide is now permissable and even deemed necessary for the Second Coming of Christ. Christians have made a pact with the Devil. But Satan is revealing himself, Christians will be shocked to learn who is friend and who is foe. Christianity, too, needs a Resurrection.

Tomorrow is Easter. Now is as good a time as any to share with you my thoughts on early Christianity vs. its Roman distortions. This may piss off a few Christians and I may lose followers over this, but the truth needs to be said.

Who betrayed and murdered Christ? The Pharisees and Romans did. No one can deny this. Who are the enemies of humanity to this day? Why, it's the very same Pharisees and Romans. Except today they are called Zionists and Zionist Christians.

But let's go back to the first three centuries of Christianity, shall we? Back then it was a sect, not a religion. The Apostles decided to follow the teachings of Christ after he was crucified and separated and distanced themselves from Judaism. They knew full well who the enemy was - it was their fellow Jews, who were in cahoots with the Romans.

For three centuries, the Romans tried to destroy this new Christian sect. Christians were put into arenas and told to kneel before the Roman emperor. When they refused, they were fed to hungry lions. Those early Christians remembered the sacrifice Christ had made. They knew he died for the divine principles of Love, Truth and Courage. This is what is really meant by the phrase that Jesus died for our sins. Our sin was cowardice, it still is. But those early Christians made the same selfless sacrifice.

How many Christians today would do the same if faced with this awful choice? The people of Gaza are truly the people of Jesus in the land of Jesus. They, too, are willing to die for Love, Truth and Courage. Don't be misled by their current Muslim faith, which is a result of various conversions throughout history. By their fruits you shall know them. And Christians and Jews want to kill them. By their fruits they, too, shall be known.

We know the Jews are traitors and murderers. But how did Christians go from making the same sacrifice as Jesus to siding with the traitors of Jesus to kill the people of Jesus in the land of Jesus? The answer is Rome. After three centuries of persecuting Christians they finally decided that if you can't beat them you must hijack them.

Emperor Constantine declared Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman empire. In 325 AD the Council of Nicea introduced the concept of the Holy Trinity, in which the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit were pronounced to be seperate entities who together form God. There's only one problem: there's no mention of the Trinity anywhere in the Bible. When you speak to Christian leaders, all they can say is that the Trinity is inferred. They will cite Bible verses which they claim show Jesus is God in the flesh, but this is once again an interpretation.

Since the Holy Trinity is a Roman invention I can make an inference as well - and that is that the Apostles and pre-Roman Christians were non-Trinitarians. Who do you believe, the Christian founders or their hijackers, the murderers of Christ? It seems to me the Romans weren't quite willing to accept monotheism and with their concept of the Trinity they were able to hold on to some form of polytheism by dividing God up into three. All modern Christian denominations, including the Protestant ones, come from Rome and are Trinitarian, thus believing the blasphemous notion that God can be a mortal human.

The next historical blasphemy occurred in the Protestant evangelical faith. Dispensationalism is an end-times theology which once again relies on vague interpretations of the Bible, rather than literal text. It has successfully united Christians with their Pharisean bloodline as though they were brothers.

Christians have now fully embraced their Jewish and Roman enemies, a complete betrayal and denial of Christ and his teachings! Genocide is now permissable and even deemed necessary for the Second Coming of Christ. Christians have made a pact with the Devil. But Satan is revealing himself, Christians will be shocked to learn who is friend and who is foe. Christianity, too, needs a Resurrection.


X vertaling:

Morgen is het Pasen. Dit is een goed moment om mijn gedachten over het vroege christendom versus de Romeinse verdraaiingen met jullie te delen. Dit kan een paar christenen kwaad maken en ik kan hierdoor volgers verliezen, maar de waarheid moet gezegd worden.

Wie heeft Christus verraden en vermoord? De Farizeeënlrs en Romeinen deden dat. Niemand kan dit ontkennen. Wie zijn tot op de dag van vandaag de vijanden van de mensheid? Precies dezelfde Farizeeërs en Romeinen. Alleen worden ze tegenwoordig zionisten en zionistische christenen genoemd.

Maar laten we teruggaan naar de eerste drie eeuwen van het christendom. Destijds was het een sekte, geen religie. De apostelen besloten de leer van Christus te volgen nadat hij was gekruisigd en ze scheidden zich af en namen afstand van het jodendom. Ze wisten heel goed wie de vijand was; het waren hun medejoden, die onder één hoedje speelden met de Romeinen.

Drie eeuwen lang probeerden de Romeinen deze nieuwe christelijke sekte te vernietigen. Christenen werden in arena’s geplaatst en verteld dat ze voor de Romeinse keizer moesten knielen. Toen ze weigerden, werden ze aan hongerige leeuwen gevoerd. Die vroege christenen herinnerden zich het offer dat Christus had gebracht. Ze wisten dat hij stierf voor de goddelijke principes van liefde, waarheid en moed. Dit is wat werkelijk wordt bedoeld met de zinsnede dat Jezus stierf voor onze zonden. Onze zonde was lafheid, en dat is het nog steeds. Maar die vroege christenen brachten hetzelfde onbaatzuchtige offer.

Hoeveel christenen zouden vandaag de dag hetzelfde doen als ze voor deze verschrikkelijke keuze stonden? De mensen van Gaza zijn werkelijk het volk van Jezus in het land van Jezus. Ook zij zijn bereid te sterven voor liefde, waarheid en moed. Laat u niet misleiden door hun huidige moslimgeloof, dat het resultaat is van verschillende bekeringen door de geschiedenis heen. Aan hun vruchten zul je ze herkennen. En christenen en joden willen hen vermoorden. Ook zij zullen aan hun vruchten herkend worden.

We weten dat de Joden verraders en moordenaars zijn. Maar hoe gingen christenen van het brengen van hetzelfde offer als Jezus naar de kant van de verraders van Jezus om het volk van Jezus in het land van Jezus te doden? Het antwoord is Rome. Na drie eeuwen christenen te hebben vervolgd, besloten ze uiteindelijk dat als je ze niet kunt verslaan, je ze moet kapen.

Keizer Constantijn verklaarde het christendom tot de officiële religie van het Romeinse rijk. In 325 AD introduceerde het Concilie van Nicea het concept van de Heilige Drie-eenheid, waarin de Vader, de Zoon en de Heilige Geest werden uitgesproken als afzonderlijke entiteiten die samen God vormen. Er is alleen één probleem: er wordt nergens in de Bijbel melding gemaakt van de Drie-eenheid. Als je met christelijke leiders spreekt, kunnen ze alleen maar zeggen dat de Drie-eenheid impliciet wordt vermeld. Ze zullen Bijbelverzen citeren waarvan ze beweren dat ze aantonen dat Jezus de vleesgeworden God, maar dit is wederom een interpretatie.

Omdat de Heilige Drie-eenheid een Romeinse uitvinding is, kan ik ook een gevolgtrekking maken – en dat is dat de apostelen en pre-Romeinse christenen niet-trinitariërs waren. Wie geloof je, de oorspronkelijke christenen of hun kapers, de moordenaars van Christus? Het lijkt mij dat de Romeinen niet helemaal bereid waren het monotheïsme te aanvaarden en met hun concept van de Drie-eenheid konden ze vasthouden aan een vorm van polytheïsme door God in drieën te verdelen. Alle moderne christelijke denominaties, inclusief de protestantse, komen uit Rome en zijn trinitarisch, en geloven dus in het godslasterlijke idee dat God een sterfelijk mens kan zijn.

De volgende historische godslastering vond plaats in het protestantse evangelische geloof. Dispensationalisme is een eindtijdtheologie die zich opnieuw baseert op vage interpretaties van de Bijbel, in plaats van op letterlijke tekst. Het heeft christenen met succes verenigd met hun Farizese bloedlijn alsof ze broers waren.

Christenen hebben nu hun Joodse en Romeinse vijanden volledig omarmd, een compleet verraad en ontkenning van Christus en zijn leringen! Genocide is nu toegestaan en wordt zelfs noodzakelijk geacht voor de wederkomst van Christus. Christenen hebben een pact gesloten met de Duivel. Maar Satan openbaart zichzelf. Christenen zullen geschokt zijn als ze horen wie vriend en wie vijand is. Ook het christendom heeft een wederopstanding nodig.
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