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I’ll probably lose some followers for this one, but idgaf.

Even if this figure is roughly accurate (give or take a few percentage points either way) - This would mean that approximately 70% of the world would be condemned to eternal hell according to fairly standard and widely accepted Christian theology.

Be honest with yourself, does that sound like a loving God to you? Does that sound fair and just to you? Does that even sound remotely right to you?

People arrive on earth, and are generally put through the wringer from the moment they are born - they are manipulated, abused, and face endless challenges and hardships.

Many are born into very difficult lives and situations, and only know how to survive and nothing more. Perhaps they are decent and kind people, but they don’t know Christ.

Does that automatically make them bad or unworthy of an afterlife? Does that make sense at all?

Food for thought.


The wholesale killing of Palestinians in #Gaza marks a real turning point in western politics, and a dark turn for modern western civilisation. This festival of ethnic cleansing & genocide is being led by a gang of unpopular leaders and technocrats, feigning ‘Christian values’ and totally devoid of any moral principles. They’ve done themselves no favours by throwing their lot in with one of history’s most notorious war criminals. Pray for them…

Absolutely correct. I sometimes see debates among alt media figures about who controls who. Some say America controls Israel. Some say Israel controls America. Some say they are one and the same. Only if you understand this from a BIBLICAL perspective can you see that Israel controls America.

Put differently, the fake Jews control the Christians by introducing so-called 'Judeo-Christian values'. Christians seem to have forgotten who betrayed and murdered Christ. Christ knew who the fake Jews were. He called them "children of the Devil" who run a certain synagogue, which is mentioned in the Book of Revelation but which I cannot state here for reasons of censorship.

These evil usurpers have successfully co-opted Christians to get them to join their ranks by pretending they are 'Chosen People' in a 'Promised Land'. They even fooled Christians into believing that their third temple is necessary for the Second Coming of Christ. The fake Jews control the Christisns. Therefore Israel controls America.

"Who killed Jesus?"

Was it the Jews? Was it the Romans? Was it both? Is one more to blame?

Matthew 26:3–4 tells us that “the chief priests and the elders of the Jewish people assembled in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas, and they schemed to arrest Jesus secretly and kill him.”

The Jewish leaders demanded of the Romans that Jesus be put to death (Matthew 27:22–25).

They couldn’t continue to allow Him to work signs and wonders because it threatened their position and place in the religious society they dominated (John 11:47–50), so “they plotted to take his life” (John 11:53).

The Romans were the ones who physically crucified Jesus. (Matthew 27:27–37).

Roman soldiers drove the nails into His hands and feet, Roman troops erected the cross, and a Roman solider pierced His side (Matthew 27:27–35).

They people of Israel were the ones who shouted, “Crucify him! Crucify him!” as He stood on trial before Pilate (Luke 23:21).

They Jews cried for the thief Barabbas to be released instead of Jesus (Matthew 27:21).

When Pilate cleaned the guilt from his hands, the Jews in the crowd said the blood of Jesus' death is on their hands (Matthew 27:25).

Peter confirmed this in Acts 2:22–23 when he told the men of Israel, “You, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross.”

It's evident that Jesus was killed because the Jews demanded, but the Romans carried out the physical act with great resistance and made every attempt not to.

Ultimately, Jesus willingly gave himself for our sin and all humanity is in desperate need of the shedding of his innocent blood, once and for all, for our sins.


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