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Did you know ?

When God was instructing the Israelites to go slaughter the men, women, and children of their enemies in the OT/Torah, He was not referring to innocent human beings or even sinful human beings, rather the corrupted DNA of those breeding with, worshipping for, and sacrificing for fallen angels creating the Nephilim. The land of Canaan was the land of the Nephilim/Giants - a lot of long term Christians don’t even understand that yet.

God had already wiped out the entire earth because everyone but Noah’s DNA had been corrupted with angelic and serpent seed DNA.

This time, he just used his chosen bloodline of DNA (leading to the Messiah of all of mankind) to fight the wars with His Divine Intervention delivering them into the Israelites hands. Only if they remained holy and separate from these evil abominations.

Did you know ?

When God was instructing the Israelites to go slaughter the men, women, and children of their enemies in the OT/Torah, He was not referring to innocent human beings or even sinful human beings, rather the corrupted DNA of those breeding with, worshipping for, and sacrificing for fallen angels creating the Nephilim. The land of Canaan was the land of the Nephilim/Giants - a lot of long term Christians don’t even understand that yet.

God had already wiped out the entire earth because everyone but Noah’s DNA had been corrupted with angelic and serpent seed DNA.

This time, he just used his chosen bloodline of DNA (leading to the Messiah of all of mankind) to fight the wars with His Divine Intervention delivering them into the Israelites hands. Only if they remained holy and separate from these evil abominations.



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