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🇨🇦 Canadian Government To Pay for Euthanizing Those ‘Too Poor to Live With Dignity’. The policy opens their euthanasia allowance to those who are not terminally ill.
* The Canadian government will now pay for those who are “too poor to continue living with dignity” to kill themselves, or according to the medical term, be euthanized.
* Canada is expanding its medical assistance in dying (MAID) program, which has been an option for those with certain types of illnesses for years.
* The program includes health authorities providing a drug that will intentionally kill the person, at their request.

In een land van 38 miljoen, schrijven zij, is het 6 miljoen ongevaccineerde burgers verboden om per trein, schip of vliegtuig te reizen en wordt het hen feitelijk onmogelijk gemaakt om het land te verlaten. Dat wil zeggen dat meer dan 15 procent van de bevolking gevangen zit in hun eigen land.

Panic in Trudeau’s Canada as official Government figures suggest the Triple Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Reports published by the Government of Canada strongly suggest both the triple vaccinated and double vaccinated populations across Canada are developing full blow COVID-19 vaccine-induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (VAIDS)...

TRUDEAU: "It will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada."

This comes months after Trudeau banned unvaccinated Canadians from traveling on trains, planes, and boats, put Canada under a form of martial law, and seized his political opponents' bank accounts.


Trudeau's handgun "freeze" BACKFIRES! Canadians go gun shopping!
The Prime Minister has become Canada's best firearm salespeoplekind of all time. But this is more than just about one type...

How many times did he have it again? Three, four? More or fewer than Gavin Newsom or that lady from Australia?

Karma is a Bitch.


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