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Voor ieder die een drinkspelletje zoekt:

If you want to see Wikipedia’s bias for yourself, just search for any medical discipline that isn’t drug-based. And if you want to make things really fun, take a shot of whiskey every time you see the word ‘pseudoscience’.

Here are real snippets from Wikipedia entries on alternative forms of medicine and natural healing, taken from the first few sentences of the entry…

  • Chiropractic: “Chiropractic is a pseudoscientific alternative medicine…”
  • Chinese medicine: “Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a branch of traditional medicine in China. It has been described as “fraught with pseudoscience.
  • Homeopathy: “Homeopathy or homoeopathy is a pseudoscientific system of alternative medicine.
  • Ayurveda: “The theory and practice of Ayurveda is pseudoscientific.
  • Acupuncture: “Acupuncture is a pseudoscience.
  • German New Medicine: “Germanic New Medicine (GNM), also formerly known as German New Medicine and New Medicine, a system of pseudo-medicine.
  • Functional Medicine: “Functional medicine is a form of alternative medicine that encompasses a number of unproven and disproven methods and treatments.

En de goeie tip van ZH:

The lesson is this:
You are the authority. Read, learn, understand, and don’t take anything at face value. We need to learn to develop our intuition in parallel with our critical thinking skills.
Discernment is our secret weapon.
We’re fighting an information war. Arm yourself with knowledge and be free.
Ik had hem in het verkeerde topic geplaatst. Dit topic is beter.

Oh had ik nog niet gezien, zie het nu pas. Ja heel erg dit. Net als wat Jensen vorige keer zei, tis al de 3de bekende persoon die vermoord werd in Nederland in 25 jaar tijd... wat een land dit...

Op het Mediapark is momenteel extra politie aanwezig vanwege een 'melding', laat de politie weten. De hoofdingang van het pand van de NOS is afgesloten.


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