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Ik ben bang dat de factcheckers deze keer gelijk hebben:

Een afbeelding die zogenaamd een artikel in Trouw laat zien en honderden keren is gedeeld, geeft aan dat vaccinatie de vermoedelijke oorzaak was van hoge oversterfte in Nederland. Maar de afbeelding is gemanipuleerd volgens de krant. In werkelijkheid vermeldt de oorspronkelijke kop op de website van Trouw het tegenovergestelde: "Trage vaccinatie vermoedelijke oorzaak van hoge oversterfte in Nederland", verwijzend naar de relatief late start van de boostercampagne tegen het coronavirus in ons land.

Ok blijft staan dat in DL reguliere kranten in elk geval een toename in hartaandoeningen van een wopping 32 procent noemen:
Laatst bewerkt:
Ik ben bang dat de factcheckers deze keer gelijk hebben:

Ik zit inderdaad fout. https://www.trouw.nl/binnenland/tra...nd~b4a8eb82/?referrer=https://www.google.com/
Alex Jones's usefulness for Infowars is pretty much gone at this point given his lawsuits, mainstream attention and the fact that many people are starting to see through his sensationalist, fear porn reporting.

This is why Infowars needed to bring some new affiliates onto the scene over the past year *cough*Stew*cough

[Doorgestuurd van X22 Report Official ⭐⭐⭐️]
Goh, een vrouwelijke 'journalist' legt de identiteit van de maker van de Twitter-account Libs of TikTok bloot en zet zichzelf neer als slachtoffer. Dit soort gedrag zien we anders nooooit onder vrouwen! :rolleyes:

Jordan Sather over haar lage karakter:

I had a run in with Taylor Lorenz back in 2019 on Twitter. She was trying to go after me for some pizzagate related tweet, I think. I don't quite remember, she has since deleted whatever tweet she made about me. (She has a habit of smearing people, then deleting the tweet and acting like nothing happened)

Lorenz is a piece of crap. She deserves all of the recent roasting that Tucker Carlson and others have been doing against her.

Crybully activist and Washington Post “journalist” Taylor Lorenz is doxing the creator of the popular “Libs of TikTok” Twitter account and went to the homes of the private citizen’s relatives as part of her harassment campaign.

You may remember that Lorenz was on television recently crying about being subjected to doxing and harassment for “being a female journalist.”

During the interview, Lorenz sobbed uncontrollably as she claimed that she has considered suicide due to severe PTSD from mean tweets directed at her.

“I have had to remove every single social tie. I had severe PTSD from this. I contemplated suicide. It got really bad,” said Lorenz.

“You feel like any little piece of information that gets out on you will be used by the worst people on the Internet to destroy your life. And it’s so isolating. It’s horrifying,” Lorenz whined.

“I’m so sorry. It’s overwhelming. It’s really hard,” crying Lorenz continued.

Hier is die crybully:


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