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Fox News is about to learn a REALLY HARD lesson…

They are going to find out just how LOVED & RESPECTED Tucker Carlson was at their network, as they watch their stock price plummet into the ground & LOSE their audience.

They are going to realize that they just made a HUGE martyr out of him, and cemented his legacy FOREVER as the one of the Greatest Of All Time.

#IStandWithTucker ALL. DAY. LONG.

If its true that Tucker just got the axe due to telling the truth about Big Pharma and their poison jabs, as Robert Kennedy Jr. is today alleging, every single top personality at Fox News would know this.

So if this is why Fox and Tucker agreed to part ways, what

Greg Gutfeld
Dana Perino
Jesse Watters
Laura Ingraham
Mark Levin
Sean Hannity

do next is going to be very revealing.

“You see people you know revealed as cowards, saying things you know they don’t believe because they want to keep their jobs, and you’re so disappointing in people. You realize the herd instinct is maybe the strongest, to be like everybody else and to not be cast out of the group — and to not to be shunned. That’s a VERY strong impulse in all of us from birth and it takes over unfortunately in moments like this and it’s harnessed in fact by bad people in moments like this to produce uniformity. You see people going along with this, and you lose respect for them. I’m not mad at people I’m just sad. How could you go along with this you know it’s not true but you’re saying it anyway? - Tucker Carlson, April 2023

Pictured: July 2020

Trump commenting on treasonous fake news “media fools” committing an “unpardonable sin” which helped solidify the slow-motion coup against him.

What if Tucker left, not because he was forced out, but to get ahead of what’s coming for the “fools” who refused to report the truth???

Like the Biden laptop lies coming out… Will we see more evidence the election was stolen and they helped it happen?


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