I worked in Big Con for 4 years, here’s the reality
1. On timcast with Walsh
2. Dinner fundraiser with Shapiro
3. Brett cooper on my show
4. Was a guest on Candace’s show
5. Andrew klavan guest on my show
This company ultimately exists to advance Israel’s interests not America’s
They silence their hosts. Topics are definitely off the table. Some of their hosts & staff are quite based, Catholic and know what’s up. But the bag is worth it to them and they have families so no judgment. Ultimately they need to provide for those they love and don’t see truth about Israel as a reason to jeopardize their livelihoods. The money is really good and they can talk about 99% of other issues freely
I’m telling you, that’s why I say the culture war is a distraction to the class war perpetrated by z***sts destroying our nation and the entire West. You can talk about trans stuff etc cause ultimately it’s not a threat to their regime
Remember been Shapiro personally chastised me on Twitter and told everyone to get vaccinated and ignore my warning. This entire company is sick and misguided at the core of its leadership. However, some of their hosts are still really cool and I like them a lot for almost every other issue
Poke the wrong bee hive and you lose it all. Thankfully they didn’t slander Candace on the way out. Most companies treat their employees with more contempt and vitriol upon exit so props for keeping the exit clean.
Just know who’s in power and don’t let the leadership of DW pretend they are patriots that care about America ultimately - because they are actually loyal to

above all else. Traitorous
But they’ll be fine cause idiots will support them and continue crying about pronouns rather than rooting out the real issues in America

- I don’t feel sorry for them
DW will be happy to take your money as they fight the culture war & do nothing to help you pay your mortgage or feed your kids. Cause trans issues are important
Anyway! I’m leaving out 99% of what I know and could say here. This post isn’t meant to be hostile to hosts, some of which are people I respect and admire. It’s just meant to be a reality check as I know more than anyone how much control these companies have and how much executives care more about $ and

than they do about issues that actually might preserve The West