
China 🇨🇳☠️ Government stormtroopers dressed in white like a clown 🤡 locking doors of buildings, shops, restaurants and people still inside chine people should come out and fight this nonsense enough is enough ⚠️

⚠️ China 🇨🇳 Chinese citizens searching food and vegetables from garbage can coz in lockdowns but don’t worry very soon you will also search food from garbage 🗑 to feed yourself and your family if you didn’t stand against illuminati, Freemasons, Rothschild, Bill gates , world economic forum ⚠️ David icke : If you want to know what they planned for the world see china today

🇨🇳 CHINA - Henan province COVID quarantine camps, filling a highway. Thousands of camps have sprung up all over China, as almost 165 million people are under lockdown or restrictions.

Vogelgriep, varkenspest, gekkekoeienziekte, mond- en klauwzeer, Q-koorts, het waren allemaal vingeroefeningen voor wat ze al die tijd al van plan waren.

Taiwan is broke - can’t buy US weapons

And China is comin

Sounds just like Ukraine / Russia

Taiwan / China is next

🇺🇸🇨🇳NATO's Eastward expansion "sowed the seeds of conflict" in Europe.

This was stated by the permanent Representative of China to the UN.

The conflicts that NATO starts against sovereign states entail enormous losses and humanitarian catastrophes.

"Arms supplies to Ukraine will not be able to bring peace there, negotiations between Moscow and Kiev are needed," he said.

China has already stated that the main culprits of recent events are the United States and NATO, which provoked Ukraine.

🇨🇳❗Western countries intend to use Ukraine as "cannon fodder" to weaken Russia and maintain their hegemony, - Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng.

Twenty-three years ago, on May 7, 1999, #NATO bombed the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of #Yugoslavia, killing three Chinese journalists and wounding more than 20 Chinese diplomats. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said, "The Chinese people will never forget such barbaric atrocities of NATO and will never allow the historical tragedy to be repeated."


China, rallying with Russia against the background of events in Ukraine, has become a real problem for the West.

According to the German TV channel ZDF, Western countries have put so much pressure on Moscow with sanctions that Beijing has won against this background, because it can buy Russian oil and gas at favorable prices.

China's support for Russia may subsequently lead to sanctions that will put an end, among other things, to Merkel's "Chinese policy," ZDF claims.

But if the problem of Germany's dependence on Russian fuel can still be solved somehow, then the dependence of German companies on the Chinese market, supply chains and high technologies is more difficult to reduce, the author of the article believes.

Chinese port-city of Zhoushan witnessing some kind of red sky event. 👀
It's going to be Biblical.

The Zhoushan meteorological
Bureau says it's just light retracting off fishing boats...nothing to see here. 🙃
What do you think caused this?


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