Over de duurzaamheid van composietvullingen versus kwik- of amalgaamvullingen (tandartsen zeggen vaak dat amalgaamvullingen duurzamer zouden zijn dan composietvullingen):
I am 55 years old and have every tooth that a normal adult should have. Of my 32 teeth, the 5 cavities that were filled with metals when I was a child were removed many years ago by a biological dentist and replaced with heavy-duty plastic with no complications. Many orthodox dentists will tell you that plastic fillings do not last as long as metals fillings. Most of the materials that go into space are, in fact, made of space age plastics, and if they can endure space they certainly can endure the activities of daily oral living.
I am 55 years old and have every tooth that a normal adult should have. Of my 32 teeth, the 5 cavities that were filled with metals when I was a child were removed many years ago by a biological dentist and replaced with heavy-duty plastic with no complications. Many orthodox dentists will tell you that plastic fillings do not last as long as metals fillings. Most of the materials that go into space are, in fact, made of space age plastics, and if they can endure space they certainly can endure the activities of daily oral living.