De doodsstrijd van de dollar

What this means is the END of the USA as a Super Power.

This story should be the top story on every newscast & front page headline of every newspaper, but it’s not even being talked about just like it wasn’t talked about when the petrodollar was propping up the American economy.

Every country in the world holds huge amounts of U.S. dollars cuz of the petrodollar.

There are more $100 bills in Russia than there are in the USA. That was because of the Petrodollar. This is all going away and there is going to be a precipitous drop of the value of the U.S. dollar.

This is bigger than most people can grasp , mostly cuz the petrodollar was never explained to them in the first place.

This means soon the U.S. dollar will no longer be the reserve currency of the world and that will spark a great depression inside the U.S. that we can’t print money to fix.

All these kind of calamities were supposed to happen under Trump , where our old friends stopped working with us and the world turned against the U.S.

Of course this is all happening precisely because of the neo-con policies of war & sanctions that Biden has implemented & the media has cheered on.

You won’t be told about this on the corporate news anytime soon, and when it finally is discussed they won’t tell you the truth about it & certainly won’t tell you what actually caused it to happen.

It’s now kind of too late for a revolution to fix this country.

Heeft iemand een idee wat dit betekent in de toekomst voor ons egien geld?
Als je bv pas een eigen bedrijf hebt gestart of een woning hebt gekocht?

Dat de dollar zou omvallen was al voorspeld dus dat gebeurt wel.
En dan nog willen ze ons papiergeld afpakken.
Ik denk niet dat banken niet weten wat er te gebeuren staat.
Ze weten het.
JUST IN: 🇷🇺 Russian President Putin on De-dollarization

"We're taking individual steps, one after another. As regards finance, we did not drop the dollar.

The dollar is the universal currency. But it wasn't us — we were banned and barred from [using] it.

And now 95% of all the external trade of Russia is denominated in national currencies.

They did it themselves with their own hands. They thought we would collapse."


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