
This tweet is going viral but it's massively misleading.

Leading Report is referring to a statement McCarthy made to FoxNews, which he didn't mention treason or prosecution in.

Leading Report is sometimes reliable with their posts, but also sometimes not - and they usually fail to link the sauce in their posts. They seem to be doing things for the clicks.

Current thoughts on impeachment:
The chances of Biden being ousted via impeachment are extremely low considering the fact that you need a two thirds majority vote in the Senate to actually remove him from office.
Remember that they impeached Trump for asking about Biden's corruption in Ukraine AND the fedsurrection yet they couldn't remove him cause they could not get a majority in the senate.
While I applaud Patriots efforts to impeach him, I don't see how the Senate could vote in such overwhelming numbers when there is a miniscule majority in the Senate in the first place. Perhaps they need a massive revelation that would essentially force them to vote to impeach but it's hard to get overly excited about this when they couldn't even remove Trump.
However, an impeachment incessantly in the news is fantastic for narrative warfare and the normies will notice the open borders and obvious red pills that Biden continually hands out.
Perhaps this is all really about awakening at the end of the day. But I don't see how justice can truly be administered through the House/congress other than them setting the stage for something grander.
I'm thinking out loud here..
What do you think?

Let's just say by some miracle they actually impeach Biden with a two thirds vote in the Senate.
What happens next?
We get Kamala Harris?
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not putting my hopes in an impeachment other than for the optics and normie red pilling potential. But I am 100% comfy that Babylon is falling and the plan is on course. That's how I feel and will continue to believe until the very end.
And I refuse to apologize to anyone or believe otherwise.


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