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Hungarian Prime Minister Orban: Russian gas embargo to finally destroy the European economy

The continuation of the anti-Russian sanctions policy and Russian gas embargo will, in fact, put paid to the whole European economy, and its development will be stopped for decades to come, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated.

The Hungarian leader stressed that the EU needs to change its strategy, because of the painful inflation the member states of the union will simply go bankrupt.

"No one is interested in the whole of Europe going bankrupt. After the oil embargo, they want to impose an embargo on gas, then we will destroy the entire European economy", Orban said on Kossuth radio.

Poland fundamentally disagrees with Orban. Warsaw believes that the EU is more important to be principled in its relations with Moscow than economic realities. And to do this, it's needed to use all the levers.


Misschien is het wel beter als de EU naar de klote gaat toch👍🏻 19 Jun, 2022 14:02
HomeRussia & FSU

Russia’s former president makes grim EU prediction​

The European bloc could disappear from the map, Dmitry Medvedev said
Russia’s former president makes grim EU prediction

A European Union flag on a building in Strasbourg, France, May 2022. © Philipp von Ditfurth / Picture Alliance / Getty Images

The European Union could suffer the same fate as the Soviet Union and disappear from the map before Ukraine becomes a member, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev suggested on Sunday.
Medvedev, who is the deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, compared the “promises” Brussels has made to Ukraine to the plans of Soviet leaders to build Communism in Russia.

“Perhaps we would have Communism, if the [Soviet] Union had been preserved. But, unfortunately, the union died. Understand what I’m getting at?”Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel.
“So what if (knock on wood) the EU disappears by then? It’s scary to imagine the scandal that would arise.”
In this case, it would be a betrayal of promises made to Ukrainians, he added.
On Friday, the European Commission recommended that Ukraine be granted candidacy status, the first step on the lengthy path to membership. However, the Commission noted that Ukraine must still conduct several reforms and “further strengthen the fight against corruption.”
EU’s new plan won’t save Eurozone from collapsing – media
EU’s new plan won’t save Eurozone from collapsing – media

Ukraine formally applied for membership just days after Russia launched its military campaign against the country in late February. The final decision on Ukraine’s candidacy will be made at an EU summit next week.

However, it was reported earlier that there was no unanimity among the EU states about Ukraine’s chances of swiftly joining the bloc.

EU members also had disagreements over the sanctions on Russia. While introducing a partial ban on Russian oil, Brussels made concessions to Hungary and several other nations.

EU-official: ‘EU heeft vaccinaties nooit opgedrongen bij mensen’​

"Mevrouw de commissaris, ik moet u zeggen – en kijkt u mij alstublieft aan – mevrouw de commissaris, meent u wat u zojuist hebt gezegd?" vroeg de Roemeense politicus. "We hebben het over de grondrechten van iedere EU-burger, en we hebben zojuist gehoord dat mensen door de groene kaart niet gedwongen zijn om gevaccineerd te worden," vervolgde hij. "Menen we dat serieus? Kunnen we mensen, burgers van de Europese Unie, in de ogen kijken en hun dat vertellen?”

Terhes zei verder dat hij, tijdens periodes van lockdown, regelmatig moest ‘vechten’ met de EU-veiligheidsdienst om zelfs maar toegang te krijgen tot het Europees Parlement zonder een coronapas.
*EU grants Ukraine candidate status for possible EU membership

This doesn’t mean much alone, reminder that Turkey has had candidate status since 1987. It does make sense for the EU to put some pressure (kaliningrade, sweden/finland-Nato) just to have some leverage before heading into the negotiating table with Russia, given they lack leverage at the moment, and even Bridgewater is shorting Europe

Ukraine and Moldova are now officially candidates to EU membership. That in itself does not mean much. Albania (since 2014), Macedonia (since 2005), Montenegro (since 2010), Serbia (since 2012) and Turkey (since 1999) are also on the waiting list.

It's potentially a decades-long process. How can Zelensky and his Nazis use this as a political victory to prop up their failing country remains to be seen. 🔥


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