Op 22 oktober schreven wij een artikel over een nieuw invasief grenssysteem dat de EU aan het uitrollen is dat onze vrijheid verder zal ondermijnen

De EU is al sinds 2019 bezig een systeen genaamd iBorderCtrl uit te rollen. Volgens de website van iBorderCtrl is iBorderCtrl ‘een innovatief project dat tot doel heeft snellere en grondige grenscontrole mogelijk te maken voor onderdanen van derde landen die de landgrenzen van EU-lidstaten overschrijden, met technologieën die de toekomstige ontwikkeling van het Schengen-grensbeheer overnemen, aldus ons artikel.


Op 10 november berichtte het NRC dat “de open grenzen van Europa onder toenemende druk” staan. Steeds meer landen willen verscherpt toezicht aan de binnengrenzen om de asielstromen te controleren. ‘De Europese Commissie heeft uitgewerkte plannen om de maximumtermijn van zes maanden voor tijdelijke grenscontroles te verlengen naar twee jaar. De meeste EU-lidstaten steunen het oprekken van de nu nog strikte voorwaarden voor bewaking van en toezicht op de binnengrenzen’, aldus het NRC. 12 Nov, 2022 10:03
HomeWorld News

EU 'cannot allow' France-Italy tensions – top official​

European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas has expressed concern as Paris and Rome bicker over migrants
EU 'cannot allow' France-Italy tensions – top official

FILE PHOTO OF European Union flags flying outside the European Commission building in Brussels © AFP / Kenzo TRIBOUILLARD/AFP

The EU is urgently trying to find a way to resolve an escalating feud over asylum seekers rescued at sea that has pitted France against Italy, a top official in Brussels has revealed.

European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas has told the media that Brussels is looking to convene an extraordinary ministerial meeting in the hope that the two member states will patch things up.

In an interview with Politico published on Friday, Schinas said that the EU “cannot allow two member states fighting each other in public and creating yet another mega political crisis over migration.
In order to diffuse the situation, the European Commission is “taking the initiative” and calling for a meeting of home affairs ministers in the coming weeks, the official added.

According to Schinas, a comprehensive solution dealing with the whole of the central Mediterranean migrant route would be preferable. That should include “development aid and neighborhood aid to countries of origin and transit,” an area where there is still room for improvement, the European Commission vice president pointed out.

Italy’s stance on migrant ship ‘unacceptable’ – ParisREAD MORE: Italy’s stance on migrant ship ‘unacceptable’ – Paris

Tensions between Paris and Rome flared up after the recently sworn-in Italian government refused to let the ship Ocean Viking, which is operated by a French NGO, dock at its ports. The vessel was carrying some 230 migrants who had been rescued at sea.

The French government was quick to call out Italy’s “unacceptable behavior” and failure to “respect its European commitments.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said on Thursday that the French authorities would allow the Ocean Viking to drop anchor in Toulon.

However, Paris also announced it would freeze its previous plan to take in 3,500 asylum seekers who are currently in Italy, and urged other EU member states to do the same.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, meanwhile, slammed France for betraying the “European dynamic … of solidarity and sharing,” and described Paris’ stance as “aggressive.

Successive Italian governments have insisted the country has had to take in a disproportionately large number of newcomers and called on other EU member states to share the burden.
The newly elected cabinet has vowed to crack down on illegal immigration.
Multiple politicians have been arrested across Europe, including Vice President of the European Parliament Eva Kaili and Luca Visentini an MP and head of the European Trade Union Commission, in a sweeping fraud probe related to bribes from Qatar.
It centers around a motion leftist parties put forward to hold Qatar accountable for its human rights abuses during its hosting of the World Cup. But rather than follow the popular movement to do so, these politicians pocketed a bunch of money, and loudly praised Qatar instead, and turned down the resolution.

Belgian police conducted 16 separate raids, and found over 600,000 Euros worth of money, prompting the subsequent arrests.
It is likely the probe will extend to Margaritis Schinas VP of the European Commission as well.

Verhofstadt en andere eurofederalisten willen van het veto af om tegensputterende lidstaten te kunnen omzeilen. Maar de EU is gemaakt door en voor de lidstaten, niet andersom. Lidstaten zijn geen provincies van een Europees Rijk. Het zijn soevereine democratieën, leden van een intergouvernmentele organisatie genaamd de EU.


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