Deze blogger ruikt ook onraad omtrent het verraad van Gove jegens Boris Johnson en ziet Rupert Murdoch als de kwade genius achter deze couppoging binnen de Tories:
Within six days of the Referendum result being known, the highest profile spokespeople for both Remain and Leave have resigned. This makes as much sense as David killing Goliath, and then committing suicide. Clearly, other things are in play behind the scenes.
I do not buy the “poisoned chalice” argument being peddled by the Guardian and the Left. First, they are almost always wrong about everything; and second, Boris’s entire life has been devoted to stepping across the threshhold of Number Ten.
The man now openly vying to be Cameron’s replacement has repeatedly – and I mean, on at least a dozen occasions – protested that he did not want the top job. Clearly and verily, he hath protested too much. The Trojan horse looked benign enough. Suddenly, it wasn’t. I think we’d do well to look at the contents of this particular Trojan horse.
Michael Gove is venerated by Rupert Murdoch. When Gove declared for Brexit, the Digger tweeted fulsomely about Gove’s “honesty” in taking the plunge. Gove was a Murdoch journalist for many years; for him, Merdeschlock can do no wrong. This is an obvious character flaw. And Roop always promotes people with whom he can “do business”.
I have said all along that widespread elements in the Conservative Party do not trust Boris. For them, he is the contemporary Winston Churchill: fine in a war when one’s back is against the wall, but otherwise to be avoided. Johnson has, bluntly faced with that reality, wisely decided to fight another day.
Gove has either taken soundings and found his ally wanting, or used him as a populist to get the result he and his backer(s) wanted from Day One. Either way, he emerges from these events as a man of quite staggering ruthlessness: he seems to have given Johnson ten minutes notice of his decision to run.