Soros: Billionaire Currency Speculator Funding And Advising Tsipras!
xamerica — Feb 27, 2013
The economic and political war by billionaire Zionist financiers such as George Soros is by no means limited to just Greece. Rumors that just won’t go away abound about the likely fact that the very bankers who created the Greek crisis are funding and abetting the liberal “anti-capitalist” Syriza.
There is now evidence of the anti-Greek and anti-German collaboration published in the German news magazine Wirtschaftswoche:
“The Institute For New Economic Thinking”, a well known George Soros propaganda institution, hosted Tsipras in his lectures around the United States. In his appearances, Tsipras sat with INET representatives, who paid for him to get around as well as got him audiences in prestigious American academic institutions (despite having little rapport around the world). The idea was to foment fears of Golden Dawn abroad, by evoking “Nazi” scare tactics, as well as attack Germany with this into continuing Greece’s debt-interest slavery, for the benefit of the anti-human exploiter parasite George Soros!
Alexis Tsipras’ rhetoric is empty, he tells Greeks what they want to hear just like PASOK always has. While Tsipras met with US State Department’s Eric Rubin (known for its pro-Turkish policies in the Mediterranean), likely to bond over their mutual agreement about the name of Macedonia, Syriza back in Greece simultaneously published an anti-American polemic regarding natural gas issues in Crete. Anti-Capitalists for Soros, Anti-Americans for the State Department, this is the real face of the Syriza controlled opposition.