Ik heb het bekeken. Welk deel van 'broodje aap' begrijp.je niet? Hier niemand minder dan onze vriend Stew Peters:
Sunday Night Horror Show
Stew Peters Download

Mat Taylor showed the world that self-assembling circuitry and self-aware “organisms” are in the quackccines.
Karen Kingston brought patents that show the “spike protein” is a weapon of mass destruction, and RECEIPTS that PROVE the bioweapon shots and the “virus” are ACTUALLY weapons of biowarfare, and contain (among other things) nanotechnology including biosynthetic parasites.
Dr. Shimon Yanowitz brought microscopic PROOF corroborating the two aforementioned interviews, PROVING that self-assembling circuitry and cloud connectivity is occurring in the vials.
And STILL—many people are saying it sounds like a “conspiracy theory”, or that it’s too “sci-fi”, and they don’t believe it.
THIS is why we are where we are.
Until the masses are willing to recognize that what they’re seeing is a massively demonic and evil, INTENTIONAL transhumanist and depopulation agenda taking place right out in the open, millions (or even billions) will be exterminated, including children and grandchildren.
Apathy, complacency, denial, programming, brainwashing and multiple psyops have been successful and are the precise reasons we are witnessing a mass murder, genocidal-level event carried out right in broad daylight right before our eyes.
WAKE UP! Believe your eyes and ears.
It’s real. It’s happening NOW.
Here are the interviews referenced above:
Mat Taylor:
Mat Taylor joins us once more…this time with VIDEO evidence. The geometric shapes form and dissipate according to frequencies from our internet, phone and 5g towers. Pfizer has been caught RED HANDED!
Karen Kingston:
Part 1
It is a lie that Covid-19 came from the wild. There was the lie that you needed to mask to stop the spread, the lie that two masks were even better. The lie that protesting against lockdowns would spr
Part 2
It is a lie that Covid-19 came from the wild. There was the lie that you needed to mask to stop the spread, the lie that two masks were even better. The lie that protesting against lockdowns would spr
Dr. Shimon Yanowitz
The vaccine is turning people into CYBORGS! Dr. Shimon Yanowitz joins to expose the dangerous formations he found in the thawed C-19 injections! He found worms, circuitry, and Bluetooth signals all co
Sunday Night Horror Show Stew Peters Download ✝️🇺🇸 Mat Taylor showed the world that self-assembling circuitry and self-aware “organisms” are in the quackccines. Karen Kingston brought patents that show the “spike protein” is a weapon of mass destruction, and RECEIPTS that PROVE the bioweapon...
I call bullshit!
