
Zou wel een positieve verandering worden als ze liever stay at home moms willen zijn. Maar dan missen ze nog de rest van het feminine aspect.
Never hide or compromise on your political beliefs to get a girl. Ever.

You gotta come right out the gate and declare yourself a right wing extremist, and do so with confidence and a smirk on your face.

Own it, then double down on it. The right girl will love it. The wrong girl won’t.

If she doesn’t like it, tell her to hit the road.

You will garner ZERO respect from a woman by cucking on your convictions to get laid.

It’s pure cowardice, and total submission to the modern female frame of authority. Worst possible footing to start a relationship on.

This kind of behavior is quite literally the *exact* reason why we’re in the cultural position we’re in today - because men don’t have the spines or balls necessary to be able to tell pretty women “no.” Western men have culturally submitted to the female frame of authority.

If a feminine woman likes you and respects you enough, and you have a strong frame/good game, she’ll end up coming around on most (if not all) of the political stuff.

Own your convictions, bro.


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