
Remember Amy Cooper, the white “pigeon lady” who called the cops on a black man bird watching in Central Park? She lost her job, had her dog temporarily seized, and had to complete a racial sensitivity course to avoid jail time for falsely reporting a criminal incident, then went into hiding following an alleged wave of death threats.

This Zionist Karen is calling the cops on peaceful anti-genocide protesters, faking a hate crime and wasting police resources to claim they’re threatening her life, all to advance the objectives of a foreign apartheid state's malign domestic lobby. It’s safe to assume she will face no real consequences for it.

Recently been asking women if men they are dating should take a bullet for them, and if they would date a man who would not. Most say yes men should, and they would not date a man who was unwilling to sacrifice his life to save hers. NOBODY bats an eye at this gender expectation (the ULTIMATE gender expectation, to literally DIE for a woman). But if men say "women should cook" or "women should take care of the household" you are immediately labeled a sexist misogynist?

Men are viewed as the disposable sex. Always have been. It is insane that there's so much attention on the benign gender expectations placed on women (cooking, cleaning, household chores). And NOTHING on the MASSIVE burden placed on men.

Many women want us men to literally DIE for them, but many scoff at the idea of cooking us a meal, or being submissive. Clown world.


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