
All women are born programmed to feel excitement and desire approval from men who display dominant, conquering aggression, even if it is chaotic and evil.

Not all women are slaves to this drive, but the seed of it exists in their subconscious minds. The girl in this video is self-aware and intelligent, which does not negate the feeling, but rather helps her illustrate it.

Some have argued with me that women who respond to this type of aggression with approval are looking for a strong protector and provider. This is not necessarily true.

The aggressive man doesn't have to be nice. He doesn't have to demonstrate care or commitment. He doesn't have to have dad energy. He doesn't have to display ability to acquire resources.

He only has to do what he wants, take what he wants, and be on the winning side, and women will feel something. Usually "this guy is winning, which means he must be special, which makes me tingly. I better get on his good side."

It's similar to Stockholm syndrome. It's the reason women get all dolled up to go out when the Navy comes into harbor and all the uniformed sailors are out on the town. It's the "we're in charge" energy.

Understanding this aspect of female mate selection is absolutely critical to understanding the massive civilization changes we're going through.

Which men are portrayed in popular media as strong, dangerous, winning, and in charge? Which are portrayed as weak losers? Who is allowed to say negative things about whom, and who must be silent, or else?

Hacking the female subconscious changes their beliefs, which changes their behavior, which changes male behavior (to suit the conditioned desires of the targeted women). This is how you cause nations to fall.



"Modest phase"?

Je hoeft echt geen aardappelzakken te dragen ofzo. Best veel traditionele kleding en daar van afgeleiden zijn elegant en netjes.

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