Dutch MP and leader of the Forum for Democracy Thierry Baudet - Exclusive Interview In this interview with the editorial team at Voice of Europe, we discuss, among other things, Mr. Baudet’s newly published book, The Covid Conspiracy: The Globalist Takeover and the Great Reset, his political party, its mission and positions, the war in Ukraine, the emergence of a multipolar war, the future of the United States, globalism, the Great Replacement, the upcoming elections in the Netherlands, and more.

00:00 Good morning and thanks for taking the time to do this interview, Mr. Baudet. For our audience who may not be aware, can you describe what the Forum for Democracy (FvD) is?

01:25 Your party had a meteoric rise and at one point, during the spring of 2019, the FvD was the most popular party in the Netherlands. Then, following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the party lost a considerable amount of support after mainstream politicians along with the globalist-controlled press carried out a targeted campaign against you and your party. For our readers, can you recount the series of events?

03:40 You recently published a book called The Covid Conspiracy: The Globalist Takeover and the Great Reset. It’s already been published in several different languages. For those who may not have heard about it yet, can you provide a synopsis of the book?

06:08 You come to some depressing conclusions in your book, namely that the institutions that are supposed to protect us—the media, doctors, courts, national governments—have betrayed us. What are we to do if we can trust what historically have been regarded as our society’s most powerful institutions?

10:36 If we are not ruled by our parliaments and our ministers, who are we ruled by?

13:50 You’ve made some controversial comments about the Russo-Ukrainian war in the past. Can you reiterate your position for our audience?

17:44 You've spoken a lot about the need for a multipolar world. What does that look like say 10 years down the road when, perhaps, the US dollar—as the world's reserve currency—has been replaced by a BRICS currency.

19:40 You talked about mass immigration. I’m sure you are aware of Renaud Camus’ concept of The Great Replacement. Do you have any thoughts about it? Is it a conspiracy theory as some say it is?

22:35 Do you think there will be another global pandemic that’s used by the globalist elite to further cement its grip on power and to take more freedoms away from the people?

24:12 During the two years of COVID, we saw a massive transfer of wealth from working and middle-class people to the billionaire globalist class. Do you see this as a type of class war that’s being waged by the globalists against everyday people?

27:33 Do you think the billionaire, globalist class, though the measures they implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic, was attempting to to liquidate the middle class purposefully?

29:23 The Biden family has been implicated in corruption schemes in Ukraine. How come this is not widely discussed in European politics? What needs to be done for Europeans to see the vested interests the Democratic Party elites have in Ukraine?

32:01 Is there any hope that anti-globalist left-wing parties and anti-globalist right-wing parties can unite to form a united front?

34:12 Is the political division between the right and the left antequated?

35:39 The Netherlands has national parliamentary elections coming up in November. How do you see things panning out?

37:13 Are there any other observations you make in your book that you would like people to know about?

43:24 Presently in the United States, you see a population that’s more divided than ever. There is more ethnocultural tension than perhaps has ever been seen before in the country’s history. What do you see happening in the near future in the U.S.? Do you think a civil war is a real possibility?
Het nieuwe parlementaire jaar komt eraan! Andreas Bakir, Ralf Dekker en Thierry Baudet bespreken de stand van zaken nu het politieke speelveld volledig openligt. Wat zijn onze verkiezingsplannen? Hoe krijgt FVD Nederland weer op de juiste koers? U krijgt uw antwoorden bij Forum Inside!


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