Globalisten & Cultureel Marxisme

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Democrats use slavery to keep Black and White Americans divided. The first slave owner in America was a Black man and majority of the people who owned the slave ships were Jewish.

Christopher Columbus ‘found’ America in 1492 which is the same year of The Expulsion of Jews from Spain following the Alhambra Decree.

Even Native Americans tribes had slaves. Majority of the black slaves were already in America.

Democrats falsely label slavery as a Black and White problem but they were the majority that approved for the first slave owner Anthony Johnson to own a black man as a slave.

Slave is a term that comes from Slavic, Slavics aren’t Black, there were a large amount of White slaves that were actually greatest worst because they were cheaper.

Everything the Liberal education system is teaching us is a new narrative to divide us. Black and White people have always been the political pawns of the Democratic Party and those that control them.

Black Moors from Spain worked with Jewish, Roman descendants and British settlers to create a lot of the propaganda we see today.

There is a reason the hat that the Shriners wear that has a saber above the head of a pharaoh the same hat that the Moors wear.

What happens when we learn our true history and accept that we are being played? That’s when their game is over.

I think the pro palestine side often comes from loud angry anti-american leftist. Do not let college-communist cause you to knee jerk support the opposite side. What leftist "think" is irrelevant. They are on auto-pilot.
Israel is in the wrong no matter how many blue haired fat girls hate them.


Another movie made by Zionists where all the white guys are villains or take the feminine role in the movie.

The minorities are portrayed as strong but even this is deceptive because the minority female lead’s love interest is a white man.

Zionist playbook on full display.

Per me reges regnant, door mij regeren de koningen. Onze profeten hebben verkondigd, dat wij door God zijn uitverkoren om over de hele wereld te heersen. God zelf heeft ons de gave geschonken om dit werk te volbrengen. Wanneer het vijandelijke kamp vernuftig was, dan zou het met ons kunnen vechten. De strijd zou onbarmhartig zijn, zoals de wereld er nog nooit een aanschouwd heeft. De genialiteit van de volkeren is echter achtergebleven.

Protocol 5:7 (Protocollen van Zion)

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