Goede sporten om te beoefenen

Niet alleen is deze vrouw een geweldige poeet, ze is ook nog 's werelds beste hoop dancer. Enjoy!

This is my Flow:

This is my flow
there are many like it
but this one is mine
I've committed to spend my lifetime divining the designs that unfold when spinning in circles To embrace destiny beyond notions of destination and deadline
To make play my practice
and to take bliss seriously
To move meaningfully
touching each second like the seam of infinity
Living to learn in the moment
Listening to all that's always and almost been
ever mindful the dance begins within
I measure my actions by the depth of their intention
Not surrendering my soul to violence coerced by blindness
I honor the perfection of the honest expression
Wake each day with the same calling
To open eyes and rise
To move matter to motion and to make each moment matter
I've learned this from four years of dancing with a partner who everyday offers me the same gift
the open infinite space within to move and be moved
yes, I'm talking about a hula hoop
And I know it might be surprising that a toy teaches anything enlightening
but I inquire Who leads in the dance between the inspiration and the inspired?
I believe we're all artists whose dreams paint the vision we'd call reality
mastering many mediums to express the truths that make peace with our mortality
it matters only that you take the chance
remove the shame from your senses and trust your dance
I find it inspiring that the world never stops turning
By these invisible forces we're given new days to create new ways of reacquainting
With every dance we're exchanging our stories
sacrificing our pride and glory for the connection forged in between
in the space where you and I dance bare, bold and seen
I raise my voice because for me freedom is not a choice
but a responsibility I rise to everyday
And I gotta let em know so I rise up and say
This is my flow
there are many like it
but this one is mine
It's revolutionary by design
And it may well be the quintessentially pointless art
but it teaches me the legacy of movement I leave begins where my revolutions start
and I get another chance with every beat of my heart
So I'm going to let myself grow
Let myself flow
Summon movement from the sound that in my resonance is found
dance within this symbol of unity
celebrating the beauty of soul set free
for you and me
and all born by the power of grace and energy

Vitamine C als bewegingspil?

Het nemen van een vitamine C-supplement sorteert hetzelfde effect op endotheline als beweging. Dat beweert Caitlin Dow, onderzoekster aan de universiteit van Colorado, die de bevindingen van haar onderzoeksteam voorstelde op het '14th International Conference on Endothelin'. Met dit onderzoek wordt de hoop gewekt het gebrek aan beweging te kunnen opvangen waarmee onder andere 50 % van volwassenen met overgewicht kampen.

Endotheline (ET1) is een eiwit dat de bloedvaten doet samentrekken. Volwassenen met overgewicht hebben dikwijls hogere ET1-waarden, waardoor hun bloedvaten minder goed reageren op de continu veranderende behoefte aan bloed in de verschillende weefsels van het lichaam. Beweging werkt ook goed om ET1 te verlagen.

De deelnemers namen in dit experiment 500 mg time-released vitamine C per dag. https://www.voedingsgeneeskunde.nl/node/1886 via http://tinyurl.com/pofper7

T-tapp voor mensen met bijvoorbeeld chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom, auto-immunziekten, diabetes en / of problemen met een langzame schildklier (of anderszins):

tijdelijke URL's voor gratis downloads van een t-tapp-sessie van een kwartier: net genoeg om per dag te doen voor resultaat als je het langer voldhoudt:
Oefening zelf: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/209895/tijdelijk/t-tapp_basic_plus_workout1.avi
Uitgebreide achtergronduitleg bij elke oefening van de eerste URL: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u...-Super-Slow-(103-min)-(Fitness)-DVDRip-TG.avi

T-Tapp is a physical therapy approach to fitness that delivers muscle density rather than bulk. It is very rehabilitative for those with lower back, hip and knee problems as well as upper spine, neck and shoulder problems. The movements appear very simple but they are quite complex in that each exercise movement utilizes both attachments of the muscle rather than just one attachment and belly of the muscle.

In fitness terms T-Tapp utilizes comprehensive, compound muscle movement done in a specific sequence incorporating neuro-kinetic flow, linear alignment and isometrics combined with lymphatic stimulation. Regular exercise such as aerobics, weight training and yoga are primarily “isotonic” (ie: using one attachment and belly of muscle). (Read more about T-Tapp from Teresa)

Dr. Perricone – [...] highly recommends T-Tapp because is in an anti-aging exercise therapy and does not contribute to free radical damage.

I recently began using a glucose meter. A few weeks ago, I returned home from doing errands at the mall. When I came home, I tested my blood glucose and it was 130, even though I hadn’t eaten anything for 4 hours (it’s usually high-80’s between meals). I know this high reading was because my blood sugar became elevated due to the stress and chemicals at the mall – it really does stress out my body.

I immediately thought about Hoe Downs and I did two sets, which takes all of two minutes. After the two sets, I took my blood glucose reading again and it was 100! http://empoweredsustenance.com/t-tapp/

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