
Hillary Clinton Can Never Be President

“The Clintons have destroyed Haiti for decades — They dropping disease in Haiti.”

“Haiti have gold. We have one of the largest gold mine in the Caribbean. Who do you think is in charge of our gold right now? The contract, Tony Rodham, Hillary Clinton's brother.”

Says The Clintons Kept Majority Of The Money Sent As Aid For Haiti After Disasters By The Gov & Celebrities

“We have every reason to be mad because, um, the Clintons have destroyed Haiti for the decades. And, you know, they pretend to be our friends when in reality they are our number one enemies. You know, there are some other people who clearly behave like they don't like us. So it's easy for us to protect ourselves against them because we know they are our enemies. But the Clintons are even more dangerous because they pretend to be our friends when in reality they're destroying Haiti.

Because I heard that the Clinton Foundation and all these other organizations gave over $6,000,000,000 to, uh, Haiti for the relief effort, especially during the kind of natural disasters that you guys have gone through. Is that true?

No. It's more than true. The money is much more than $6 billion. You see, after the earthquake, countries around the world, um, donate billions of dollars. The amount was much larger than $6 billion and Bill Clinton was in charge of the money. And not only people around the world, but also American celebrities donate a lot of lots of money to rebuild Haiti.

And 100 of home were destroyed after the earthquake. And if you can believe, um, the people are still living under tents. That's unacceptable. And not only they they held the money, they kept the money, but Haiti had enough resources for them to be, um, very comfortable. Haiti have oil, more oil than Venezuela.

Nobody's talking about. Haiti have gold. We have one of the largest gold mine in the Caribbean. So and they let the world nobody is saying anything about our goals. Yeah.

And who do you think is in charge of our gold right now? The contract. Tony Rodham, Harry Clinton's brother.


He's got a 26 years contract, and then also Haiti used to produce. We used to produce our own rice. We didn't have to buy rice, um, overseas. Bill Clinton destroyed our rice so his brother can sell the rice from Arkansas.

Yeah. Wow.

So they they doing a lot of thing. Right now, if there's, um, a millionaire or a billionaire who wants to do business in Haiti, they cannot do anything unless they check with the Clintons. The Clintons are the one who's running Haiti. Yeah. And we are living in the 21st century.

We are the 1st black people who liberate ourselves from from the French rule. We fought 3 empires, the British, the Spanish, the French. So it's in fact it's unacceptable for us to be occupied right now. They dropping disease in Haiti. They they stealing our money.

They stealing our resources. So we are out here. We are outraged for the crimes of the Clintons. Hillary Clinton have too much criminal records. She have no business running for president, especially for the new one that came out in the email, find out that the the the DNC made all these tricks in order to to favor Hillary Clinton.


The thing is when it comes to Hillary Clinton's brother, how was he able to get that contract? How were the Clintons allowed to have such control of Haiti?

It's a family affair. Bill Clinton, the United Nation have named him the chief guy who was in charge of rebuilding Haiti, and then while Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state, so it's a family thing. Chelsea Clinton, all the Clinton Foundation, they're just stealing money. And most of the money, I can tell you right now, I know they they they have a lot of speech for money around the world and for Wall Street, but most of the money they have right now is from Haiti, from the Haitians.”

I can’t transcribe it all due to X’s text limits but this is an INSANE listen!

There is one reason and one reason only that you are suddenly hearing about Haitians eating ducks and cats in Ohio.

The US permanent war uniparty seeks to make its floundering invasion of Haiti into an official UN “peacekeeping” operation.

The media is demonizing an entire country on the basis of a handful of incidents to get you to support the globalist agenda.

JD Vance, along with Musk and countless pro-Trump influencers, are promoting a complete hoax about Haitians eating pets.
It’s one thing to oppose illegal immigration, but this is straight up racist incitement against innocent people who fled their country because the US has destabilized it non-stop for several decades. Where’s the outrage against that?


Ik heb ook zo mijn twijfels bij al die verhalen maar denk dat de problemen in Springfield niet veel anders zijn dan de andere Sanctuary cities. Dit artikel zegt dat er sinds covid ineens heel veel mensen dicht bij elkaar zijn geplaatst. Zijn het neocons die deze verhalen misbruiken voor een militaire ingreep? Of zijn het vooral conservatieven die tegen migratie pleiten?

The Haitian cat story is fake just like the little British girl stabbed by the “Muslim refugee” who was actually born in Cardiff.

It has already been verified the cat lady was just a black American, but one boomer makes it go viral on Facebook and now it’s a presidential talking point.

It’s easy to pick on 3rd world countries like Haiti for being poor, but we should not demonize innocent people.

Haiti has been completely destabilized ever since the Clinton foundation stole billions of dollars in charity money. This is America’s fault.

Are we responsible to house thousands of Haitian refugees? Obviously not, but the least we can do is blame our own people when they’re eating cats.


He own Port Lafito in Hiati where illegal contraband moves in and out of Haiti. He is also a part owner of GB financial group in Haiti and his name appeared in the 2021 leaked Pandora Papers.

The Zionist billionaire is responsible for enabling Haiti’s murderous gangs.

He has been protecting and enabling the illegal activities of armed criminal gangs that are tearing Haiti apart.


Trump knows, he always does. En natuurlijk doen media in NL alsof het onzin is en wordt hij hierover bespot en uitgelachen “die gekke Trump”. Ik kijk helemaal uit naar de komende maanden tot aan een warme Kerst.
This American Is From The Same Island As The Ohio Haitian Illegal Migrants

“The Haitian immigrants are indeed eating animals. Let me tell you something about these people. Not only are they harvesting cats for food, but also for witchcraft purposes, voodoo purposes. Understand this, if you don't wanna take my word for it, go out there.

Meet a Haitian, talk to them about it. this is not something they aren't proud of. It’s their culture. they eat these animals and they use the blood and bones of these animals for voodoo and witchcraft purposes. this is not a joke. the fact that they are here illegally, Kamala did say she gave them a temporary protection over a hundred thousand of them.

But here's the thing, for good luck purposes, they will harvest cats, they will use the blood and the bone of these cats. They consume these things because they believe it brings good luck and good juju. This is not a joke, it's a fact. This is their culture. This is what they believe. They will die on a hill on this belief.”


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