Het volgende gaat over de effecten van het gebruik van xylitol voor mondhygiene: The incredible resumé of these observations made over a period of 5 years by now:
caries had almost completely disappeared
brushing teeth had become less important
emerging plaque was very easy to remove
inflammations of the gums receded a lot with patients maintaining their same dental hygiene
positioners placed in Xylitol solution (10 to 20 percent) for hours became odourless and clean"
Source: “Bavarian newspaper for dentists (‘Bayerisches Zahnärzteblatt BZB’) June/06, pages 42-43, by the Bavarian Chamber of Dentists (‘Bayerische Landeszahnärztekammer’)”
Since the end of 2006, Dr. Karl-Ulrich Bruhn has been working as a “public dentist” in Tønsberg (Norway). Before that, he used to have his own dental surgery in Krailling near Munich for over 20 years.
Dr. Bruhn’s recommendation for application of Xylitol:
Dissolve half a teaspoon of Xylitol powder in saliva in your mouth after all meals and snacks and flush your mouth and teeth for 3 to 5 minutes with the sweet solution. After that, spit it out or swallow it and don’t rinse. That’s all!
Dr. Bruhn presented his 5-year observations to Prof. Kauko K. Mäkinen of the University of Turku (Finland) and asked him for an evaluation and an assessment. Prof. Mäkinen who has consistently proved the effectiveness of Xylitol in many acknowledged studies for 40 years, confirmed Dr. Bruhn’s results.
The dentists’ associations in Scandinavia have also recommended Xylitol to effectively prevent caries for many years, because being free of caries through “consuming sugar without regrets” is simply much easier to realize than the numerous cleaning instructions and don’t-eat-rules here in these parts.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?linkname=pubmed_pubmed&from_uid=24095985 zie je in pubmed van de publicaties van Makinen over xylitol.