Wist je dat 'klimaatontkenners' geen normale mensen zijn?
Mike Rivero:
"Because 'normal' people don't use their brains. 'Normal' people believe what we tell them to believe because, well, that's NORMAL, or at least it has been normal for the last 100 years, and THAT'S good enough for us! We just need to get the American people to go back to 'normal' and we can get this country back on track making fortunes for the already rich! Those people who actually think for themselves and ignore our expensively produced propaganda in favor of looking at the raw data for themselves are a menace to society and a clear and present danger to my carbon tax ... I mean to the National Security! We really ought to just round up all these disloyal misfits who dare to point out all that ... global warming powder on the ground last winter and put them in the FEMA camps until they learn to think only double-plus good thoughts!" -- Official White Horse Souse
First rule of propagandists:
If the facts are against you, argue the logic.
If the logic is against you, argue the facts.
If both the facts and the logic are against you, call the other side names.
And here we are! If they are down to calling us bad names, that means they know the facts and logic are against them.