@ShaykhSulaiman keeps harping on statistics of perpetrators of child abuse in the UK and their race, aiming to prove white offenders are overrepresented while 'Asian' offenders are underrepresented, so he and other leftists can cry victim and racism.
Never once does he ask the question why Muslim offenders are all of a sudden 'Asians' and why they partook in 'grooming'. The wording alone should be a major red flag, because it signifies a coverup on the part of the authorities who desperately did not want to appear racist and admit their mass immigration experiment had failed horribly. As a result, when the scandal of Pakistani 'Asians' finally broke out in 2013 and 2014, these UNIQUE practices had been going on for THREE DECADES in MULTIPLE UK CITIES.
Another aspect to this which Sulaiman conveniently ignores is that this was not just sexual abuse of minors, not in the way white offenders usually perpetrate it. The 'Asians' meted out r*pe as a form of torturous punishment in addition to other forms of physical, emotional and psychological abuse and they ethnically profiled their victims as secular white British girls who were already vulnerable because they came from broken families.
The 'Asians' kept these girls as sex slaves and invited friends and family members of all ages to participate in their horrific 'grooming' practices, sometimes in other cities and towns to which the girls were trafficked.
Again, this is a UNIQUE cultural phenomenon which was IMPORTED into the UK and for which British police force was not trained. The horror the 'grooming' these 'Asians' inflicted on British girls (and sometimes boys) is not reflected in the statistics Sulaiman proudly and arrogantly displays in the below thread.
All r*pe is bad, especially when the victims are minors, but Sulaiman and other leftist Western Muslims prefer to downplay the above-mentioned unique cultural aspects, making Muslims out to be the victims in an attempt to minimize the severity of these gruesome cultural crimes.
The real victims, of course, are the unheard and unseen girls who were subjected to this abuse. Yet by ignoring them once again and instead focusing on trying to whitewash the stain this brings on the Muslim community at large these poor girls are victimized once more by Muslims and leftists, the very same people who ignored their plight a decade ago and who continue to do so to this day.
Muslims especially should speak out and let Britain know that this is NOT true Islam and that they are better than that. They would do wise to call out the bad apples and stop this cowardly coverup, so they can take the wind out of the sails of those who are indeed racict and like nothing better than to tar all Muslims with the same brush.
Watch this breakdown on YT to get the real picture before reading Sulaiman's thread, so you can appreciate the hypocrisy of him and other leftists when they point out statistics which allow them to keep playing the victim and race card. If you're going to be honest about this subject, then be honest about all of the facts.
@ShaykhSulaiman: CHILD SEX ABUSE CASES IN THE UK ARE OVERWHELMINGLY BY WHITE PEOPLE AND ASIANS ARE NOT DISPROPORTIONALLY REPRESENTED The Zionist/Right hate data & rely on inciting hatred based on isolated incidences...…