

While we were busy being DISTRACTED by the whole Diddy fiasco, and the bridge attack in Maryland, there has been some MAJOR strategic Military movements taking place by Russia.

I’ll bet you haven’t even heard about this, but a few days ago on March 28th, Russia started sending warships into the Red Sea of the coast of Yemen.

This is a BIG DEAL.

There is a Russian base being built in Syria near the Golan Heights, and Russia sees Syria as the rightful owner of the area, not Israel.

This is certainly going to cause tensions between the NATO/US Forces that are in the area, and the IDF that Russia is going to attempt to remove from Golan Heights.

This will inevitably bait NATO to lash out at Russia after they attack Israel/IDF & then it will be GAME ON WW3.

ALL of this is Biblically Prophetic.

Notably, in Ezekiel, Magog (Russia) attacks Israel.

Are we about to witness the war of Gog & Magog that will lead to Armageddon???


While we were busy being DISTRACTED by the whole Diddy fiasco, and the bridge attack in Maryland, there has been some MAJOR strategic Military movements taking place by Russia.

I’ll bet you haven’t even heard about this, but a few days ago on March 28th, Russia started sending warships into the Red Sea of the coast of Yemen.

This is a BIG DEAL.

There is a Russian base being built in Syria near the Golan Heights, and Russia sees Syria as the rightful owner of the area, not Israel.

This is certainly going to cause tensions between the NATO/US Forces that are in the area, and the IDF that Russia is going to attempt to remove from Golan Heights.

This will inevitably bait NATO to lash out at Russia after they attack Israel/IDF & then it will be GAME ON WW3.

ALL of this is Biblically Prophetic.

Notably, in Ezekiel, Magog (Russia) attacks Israel.

Are we about to witness the war of Gog & Magog that will lead to Armageddon???


Ezechiël 38
1 Wijders geschiedde des HEEREN woord tot mij, zeggende:

2 Mensenkind! zet uw aangezicht tegen Gog, het land van Magog, den hoofdvorst van Mesech en Tubal; en profeteer tegen hem,

3 En zeg: Zo zegt de Heere HEERE: Zie, Ik wil aan u, o Gog, gij hoofdvorst van Mesech en Tubal!

4 En Ik zal u omwenden, en haken in uw kaken leggen, en Ik zal u uitvoeren, mitsgaders uw ganse heir, paarden en ruiteren, die altemaal volkomen wel gekleed zijn, een grote vergadering, met rondas en schild, die altemaal zwaarden handelen;

Mesech zou Moskou zijn, Tubal Tobolsk, de rivier Tobol of Tblisi (Georgië)

Dan is Magog Rusland.

Openbaring 20
8 En hij zal uitgaan om de volken te verleiden, die in de vier hoeken der aarde zijn, den Gog en den Magog, om hen te vergaderen tot den krijg; welker getal is als het zand aan de zee.

9 En zij zijn opgekomen op de breedte der aarde, en omringden de legerplaats der heiligen, en de geliefde stad; en er kwam vuur neder van God uit den hemel, en heeft hen verslonden.

10 En de duivel, die hen verleidde, werd geworpen in den poel des vuurs en sulfers, alwaar het beest en de valse profeet zijn; en zij zullen gepijnigd worden dag en nacht in alle eeuwigheid.

Oekraine werd al onder vuur genomen, Israel komt steeds meer onder vuur te liggen, zal Taiwan nog volgen?

🇾🇪🇮🇷We have 400,000 fighters at your disposal - the Houthis

The Yemenis have informed Iran that if there is a regional war, more than 400,000 fighters are ready to completely blockade the Red Sea and target US bases in Africa and the Middle East

The Yemenis have recruited 200,000 new fighters since the beginning of the conflict

Via @IranObserver0


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