
📣 BREAKING: A new set of JFK files has just been released.

A newly unredacted JFK file reveals that CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton secretly helped Israel obtain nuclear weapons, defying Kennedy’s wishes.

The documents confirm that atomic technology and plutonium were transferred through intermediaries, with Angleton admitting to meetings with Israeli officials.

He warned of the need for secrecy, fearing the fallout if the truth became public.


If you are following accounts that aren’t talking about these groundbreaking documents that directly show the Link between our CIA, James Angelton, The Israeli Mossad, and their Nuclear transfer program that was operating behind JFK’s back, then you have to ask yourself who are you following?

Are they America first or Israel first? 🤔

Props to @MJTruthUltra for reporting on these.

Legitimately some of the most important documents of our lifetime and conservative Inc is silent.

BioClandestine, X22 Report zijn AF, definitief door de mand gevallen.

after JFKs assassination, Lyndon Johnson reached out to Jackie Kennedy to "console her".

in this oddly jovial call that was recorded - within a month of her husband's brain being blown off into her lap - Johnson can be heard telling Jackie he wanted to visit her and "spank her" around Christmas time.


Over Jacky:
Ik hink op twee benen over Jackie. Als ze onderdeel uit zou maken van het complot zou ze niet in een reflex gegrepen hebben naar de hersendelen die op dat moment uit de hersenpan van haar man werden geblazen. Ze weigerde ook haar met bloed besmeurde kleding uit te trekken met de opmerking dat mensen moesten zien wat 'ze' hadden gedaan. Als ze daarna amicaal doet met de moordenaar(s) van John kan dat ook te maken hebben met lijfsbehoud. Jackie wist als geen ander hoe machtig deze club was en hoe onmachtig zijzelf was.

UPDATE: An additional 13,700 unredacted pages of JFK assassination files that were previously available for review only in-person at NARA, have been digitized and are now available online at This brings the total number of pages available online to over 77,000. (1/3)

As was stated when President Trump released the unredacted JFK files on March 18, a small number of files are currently only available for in-person viewing at the National Archives in College Park, MD, and archivists are working quickly to digitize all records. Some documents are under court seal, and NARA is working with the Department of Justice to expedite the unsealing of these records. We will post updates as more files are uploaded to (2/3)

Some people have asked us about why some of the recently released documents have sections blacked out. Here’s why: According to NARA, some documents are under court seal and documents that were previously released with redactions are still available online to show the public what has changed in the spirit of transparency. (3/3)

I notice how a bunch of “conservative” influencers have still yet to speak about these Damning documents that implicate Jews in the JFK hit. The docs show CIA man James Angleton was working for the Israelis behind JFK’s back to help build their nuclear program.

Notice how Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, and Ben Shapiro are doing everything they can to either blame only the CIA, or ignore this evidence completely and obfuscate Israel’s involvement.

Newsflash! Angleton was CIA. So when you blame the “CIA” you’re still pointing the finger at Jews, Israel, and traitors like James Angleton that were working on Israel’s behalf.

Anyone covering up these facts or refusing to discuss them openly is a traitor. Stop protecting Israel when it’s obvious they played a pivotal role in shooting our president in the head.


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