Klimaatverandering vs mini ijstijd


Klimaatactivisten laten lucht uit autobanden lopen in Utrechtse wijk Oog in Al: ‘Trek je niet persoonlijk aan’​

In de Utrechtse wijk Oog in Al hebben klimaatactivisten toegeslagen. Een hele serie automobilisten trof hun voertuig dit weekeinde aan met leeggelopen banden, waardoor zij niet naar hun beoogde afspraak konden.

,,Je zult boos zijn maar trek het je niet persoonlijk aan”, schrijven de activisten in een bij de leeggelopen banden achtergelaten brief. Hierin staat meer te lezen over hun reden om in actie te komen: de klimaatcrisis. Zelfs hybride en elketrische auto's zijn volgens de activisten geen goede optie meer.

De wijkagenten roepen op 112 te bellen bij het in actie zien van de activisten. De politie hoort verder graag getuigen die meer weten of gezien hebben rond de actie.

Laatst bewerkt:
Deze dame moet haar huiswerk eens goed doen. Uit niets blijkt dat het klimaat plots sneller verandert. Niks meer stormen, hevige regens, aardbevingen, of wat dan ook. Pure paniekzaaierik.

How to Interpret Glaciations​

The temperatures on Earth depend on the latitude where you are. It is crucial to understand that you can interpret a glacial period in two ways:

  • The classical view: During a glaciation, the geo pole was where it currently is, so the crust endured no shifts or deformations, but the temperature changed nevertheless. Which mechanism caused this glaciation is still unexplained. Geologists who believe that the Milankovitch cycles were the cause of the ice ages are parroting unexamined beliefs. We have never seen any calculations that prove this assumption even to be correct. Earth is a sphere, and will always receive the same amount of solar energy, no matter how the sphere rotates towards the Sun. The climate will show ripples of about ±1.4°C, but these changes are caused by varying Solar activity.
  • Our new view: Crustal deformation causes a glaciation cycle. Collected ice core data shows that the amount of crustal shift corresponds to the temperature change of the glaciation cycle. The crustal shift moved the cold North pole region to a warmer area and a more temperate zone to the polar region. When geologists examine the phenomenon with the assumption that the crust is rigid, they interpret their findings as a global cooling down, which never happened. The temperatures return to “normal” after a period of tens of thousands of years. A balance is again restored. This crustal “crawling” process was caused by a highly eccentric orbit of the Earth around the Sun, resulting in oscillating gravity tearing the crust slowly apart. That is why the patterns of eccentricity and glaciation match together. Crustal deformations proceed very slowly – between 15 to 35 meters average per year, depending on the rate of eccentricity. The crawling process continues over periods spanning tens of thousands of years but has a definite start and stop values. Paleomagnetic records show correlations with the crawling crust. Other evidence is indisputable: high dust concentrations in the atmosphere during the crawling process due to very heavy volcano eruptions. The geological patterns are distinct, and the mathematical proof from the orientations of ancient sites removes all doubts. Humanity fell back into a new Stone Age for a very long time.
When the crust deforms, and the North pole migrates, the temperature changes in that specific “ice age” clearly correspond with the temperature differences at the latitudes of pole locations in different time frames.

The Impact of this new Dating Method
Our methodology permits the dating of ancient cultures (pyramid builders of yore) in a more reliable manner, via the orientations of their monuments, which in turn is related to a glaciation cycle. Every glaciation cycle stands for an era. However, some structures do not match up with one of the former poles. Dating these structures requires a thorough investigation by using the path of the pole since it is possible these structures date from periods of crustal unrest. Many structures have been dated by us, as you can see summarized below.

Geologists say that every ice age is a period of an alleged cooling down. “Alleged” because the classical view dictates that the crust is rigid and cannot deform significantly over, geologically speaking, short periods. Polar ice sheets that shifted to warmer regions will cool that region, and the ice sheets will start to melt very slowly. Melting takes place throughout many thousands of years. The more moderate region that shifted to the pole now becomes cold as well. The melting energy must be provided by the two Gulf Streams that transport the heat from the equator to the icecaps (following the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics). That is why there is a warm Gulf Stream and a North Atlantic Drift running close to Greenland; they are necessary to restore energy balance.

True to the tenets of Occam’s Razor, our new methodology provides an easy-to-understand explanation for glaciation, ancient history, and crustal geology – in the simplest possible way and with the fewest assumptions.
Wat is er toch mis met de klimaatverandering? Het houdt zich maar niet aan de voorspellingen van de experts.

Klimaatburgemeester ontslagen 🤡

Em altijd naakt, compleet oversekste wijven zijn her.


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