Moslims zitten ook in hun eigen bubble als het om deze Algerijnse bokser gaat. Ik ben het 100% eens met Sam.Parker:

1/ I'm seeing a lot of Muslims interpreting the Imane Khelif controversy as an attack on Islam and an expression of Islamophobia. I can assure you that's not what motivated me. I didn't even know (s)he is Muslim until I was attacked for "attacking a Muslim." It didn't even enter my thought paradigm before that. And based on the tweets from others I've seen condemning Khelif's participation, nobody's criticisms have been motivated by some "low-key Islamophobia."
I don't care if (s)he's Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Shinto, Sikh, Scientologist, jewish, pagan or Church of satan. I don't care if she's Black, White, Yellow, Red or Brown. And I don't think anyone else does, either--especially when it comes to the Olympics.
The Olympics is worldwide event that includes people of all races, nationalities and religious backgrounds. If the criticisms of Khelif are motivated by "islamophobia," then surely there must be a multitude of other bigoted attacks on Muslim athletes just because they're Muslim, right? Where are they? There aren't any. Because it's not Islamophobia motivating the criticisms of Khelif.
What I care about--what WE ALL care about--is whether a possible biological man might be pounding women unfairly on the world's top sporting stage. That's it.

2/ And after this explosion in allegations that we're just "low-key Islamophobic," I've noticed some statements to the effect that Muslims & jews naturally stick together or are naturally allied. I recognize how this could be offensive to many of you, and I don't necessarily agree with the sentiment in general.
I do believe that many Muslims DO ally with jews, just as there are many Christians that ally with jews. The jews ally with and infiltrate all groups in order to divide us and drive us apart. I believe in a gentile alliance of Christians and Muslims (and everyone else) against the jews and their supremacy, and these divisive tactics.
Having said that, attacking people who criticize a Muslim--when the criticism has nothing to do with their Islamic identity and isn't brought up or mentioned--is a very jewy type of behavior. It's jews who will cry "antisemitism!" at the slightest criticism of a jew for any and all reasons whatsoever. It's a jewish-like behavior to circle the wagons around a fellow jew, even when that jew is in the wrong. Like when the jews founded the ADL to defend the murdering pedophile rapist Leo Frank. That's a supremacist approach.
We gentiles need to be above this kind of supremacy. If we have bad apples--whether they be Christian, Muslim, Arab, Black, White or Yellow, etc.--we need to call them out, shame them, reject them and punish them according to the law where necessary.
So just remember this when you accuse a non-Muslim of Islamophobia when their criticisms had nothing to do with it. Don't be shocked if they interpret that as jewy--because it is. Don't be surprised, in this case, if they interpret it as you allying with jewish subversion, because we all know who pushes the transgender poison.