Lin Wood

Niets mis met deze statement:


1. FIX 2020 and abolish the rigged and corrupt voting system.

2. Get the corrupt “selected” legislators out of government.

3. Get the corrupt “selected or appointed” judges and justices out of the court system.

RESULT: The rule of law is re-established and our Constitution is enforced and our God given rights memorialized in the Bill of Rights are protected.

There are no shortcuts to protecting our freedoms such as relying on new ownership of social media companies, including Twitter, TRUTH, GAB and others.

There are no easy fixes.

Allowing corruption to exist at any level in our society has serious consequences to ALL aspects of our lives.

America must WAKE UP and CLEAN UP.

We must do it despite the knowledge that will be hard to do because quick, easy fixes are only a bandaid. They fix nothing.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

En deze tactiek om 3 Republikeinse gouvrrbeurs ter verantwoording te roepen en de fraude van 2020 te onderzoeken..

...kennen we ook van Trump. Het heeft als de fraudeurs niet weg te laten komen met hun bedrog doordat met het verstrijken van de tijd mensen vergeetachtig worden en het trauma achter zich willen laten. Idem.met COVID, we mogen dit NOOIT vergeten en ze hiermee weg laten komen!

Ik blijf het zeggen: LW is positieve gecontroleerde oppositie, met als doel het cynische en wantrouwende sentiment uit te drukken dat ook onderdeel uitmaakt van onze beweging en dit te bundelen, om ze uiteindelijk wel weer hoop, geloof en vertrouwen te kunnen geven.

Deze statement over Elon Musk moet m.i. in hetzelfde licht gezien worden:

Er zijn nu eenmaal genoeg mensen in onze beweging die argwaan hebben naar alles en iedereen. Wat LW ze geeft is een stem, die hij elke dag weer vermengt met zijn diepe geloof in God en Christus:

Would you have had the courage to step up and fight for Jesus to try to stop His brutal death?

Do you have the courage to step up in present times and fight back for those who follow Jesus and are being wrongly persecuted?

Do you have the courage to step up in present times and fight back against those who are taking actions that violate God’s teachings in the Bible?

Are you fearless?

Asking for a Friend.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Zonder het woord 'devolution' te noemen geeft LW hier de twee redenen waarom devolution door Trump is geactiveerd: een buitenlands wapen en buitenlandse inmenging in de verkiezingen. Geloof je nog steeds dat hjj controlled opp is?

Laatst bewerkt:
Dat weet ik zo net nog niet. LW haalt die Sam Smith aan, maar die roept veel en bewijst weinig.

If you are God-fearing Real Patriot, use Telegram as a hammer.

I believe Telegram is a Deep State operation to gather intelligence and use lies and propaganda to hammer, attack and smear God-fearing Real Patriots.

Hammer back with TRUTH and the Word of God.

Turn what was intended for bad into something that works for good.

Hammer on.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Wouldn’t be poetic justice if Truth Social was a “white hat” social media platform created to gather intelligence/information about the Deep State operatives who join it and expose themselves in their posts?

A boomerang!!!

Who knows?

Only God knows. God knows everything. You cannot deceive God.

For us, only time will tell.

Enjoy your day!!!

Trust the LORD.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Zinspeelt LW hier op een overstap van TG naar T TS waarin hij zichzelf bekend zal maken als white hat?

Who in the world would now own Disney stock?

What will Florida Governor Ron DeSantis do to investigate DisneyWorld and shut it down?

I hope he will do more than he has done so far to investigate and FIX 2020. So far he has done nothing.

You can often learn more about people from what they do NOT do than you can from what they do.

I pray that responsible parents will never again take their children to any Disney property.

Pray for the children.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

P.S. Note that Disney is tied to the CIA. Any “selected” public official in Florida who does not take action against Disney is Deep State. Identify and expose them and then get them out of office.

P.P.S. The ball is now in your court, Ron Ron.

Dit lijkt kritiek te zijn op DeSantis, maar zet hem alleen maar aan tot verdere actie tegen Disney.

To all of the “red wave” advocates, how did that work out for France today?

You cannot vote your way out of a rigged election system.

Ultimately, the ONLY way out is to get rid of the people and organizations who rig it.

How do you spell:

Don’t be played by the “red wavers.” Identify them and get rid of them.

Lock up the “election riggers” or worse.

After all, rigging a national election or participating in covering it up is an act of treason.

Just sayin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Ook dit zie ik.uitsluitend als een oproep om iets tevdoen aan migelijke verkiezingsfraude in november.

I love Mike Lindell and cheer him on in his efforts. I believe Mike is a Real Patriot.

But I am afraid the problem is more serious than you realize. They cheat in a variety of ways. Look at France today.

In addition to urging a return to paper ballots and throwing out the cheat machines, I am trying my best to identify the people and organizations responsible for the various ways the enemy rigs the system a/k/a “the cheaters.”

I would hope that you would appreciate my efforts since I believe my approach is the only permanent solution to a problem that threatens our freedom and the future of our country. I surmise by the tenor of your message that you don’t agree with me. I extend you grace and despite your not so subtle criticism, I will press on my way as directed by the LORD.

We must drain the swamp if our nation is to return to honest elections.

The best way to stop the cheating is to identify and punish ALL the cheaters.


Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

LW staat achter Mike Lindell, algemeen gerespecteerd door anons als een good guy. LW gedraagt zich niet als een typische shill, maar houdt mensen scherp!

Hier dezelfde post van IET17:

Het lijkt op knip- en plakwerk door LW. Maar toch interessant dat hij dit post...

Holy Moly - Roe v Wade is going to be struck down.

Tremendous victory if it holds. And also, watch your six. The demons will be horrendous.

I do not trust Chief Justice John Roberts at all. He is corrupt. Am I right? Only God knows. God knows everything. For us, only time will tell.

Just sayin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

The basics elements of a color revolution to overthrow a government are a disputed election followed by violence in the streets.

The Communists (a/k/a The Deep State) are doing their best to create violence in the streets. They have been trying to do so unsuccessfully since November 3, 2020.

Be smart.

Don’t let them play you.

Just sayin’ for a Friend.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

I have been practicing law for 45 years. I have NEVER heard of a “draft” opinion of the United States Supreme Court “leaking out.”

And it was allegedly “leaked” to Politico - a Deep State Commie Mockingbird Propaganda Rag.

You know what I say, don’t you???

I say, “WATCH OUT!!!”

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

The food source for Baal/Moloch is about to dry up with the Supreme Court about to Overturn Roe v Wade. The enemy will NOT be happy about something that he has had control of and empowered him for Decades, and it's about to be RIPPED from his hands! God is on throne and in FULL Control! Pray! Watch out for False Flags!

[ Photo ]
Lin Wood bootlicker “Breb” and the League of Extraordinary Retards are out here trying to doxx @KanekoaTheGreat because General Flynn shares his content a lot. (They are rabid anti-Flynners - might as well be Antifa members)

Here’s the problem: they have the wrong guy. Kanekoa’s name is not Brian, he does not live in Montana, and he has never been associated with Disney or Dreamworks.

Nice try, idiots. Not only are you guys stupid, you’re sick in the head trying to doxx people like this. Your mother would be ashamed of you, Eric.

They sure aren’t sending their best…. easy pickins exposing these infiltrator fools.

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