Nazi World Order

Please listen to the important statement of the anti-Zionist Rabbi. @elonmusk

"We believe that six million Jews would not have been killed if it had not been for the Zionist movement."

While Jews were being killed by the Nazis, all the Zionists did was pursue their dreams of establishing a religionless state.

While the Jews were being subjected to genocide, the Zionists' agenda was to establish a Zionist state.

Zionists didn't care about the Jews; All they cared about was using Judaism for their political interests.

Zionists use the 6 million Jews killed by Nazi Germany and antisemitism to insult Jews.

+ = C19. ++ = Ukraine. +++ = Israel.

The common theme running through all three psyops is both Nazism and Zionism.

Think about it.

C19 (+): Mass medical experiments on a global scale without informed consent. Can you say 'Nazis'? Sure you can. And which country had the most gruesome vaccine experiments of them all? Israel.

Ukraine (++): Actual Nazis in parliament and in the military. Remember what Putin's objective was: the denazification of Ukraine. And Zelensky is a Zionist. Ukraine is also the original home of the Khazars, who would later become the Ashkenazis and then Zionists.

Israel (+++): Zionist ethno state built on land purchased by the Rothschilds, where the open-air prison called Gaza resembled a Nazi concentration camp and now an extermination camp.

Q writes:

NWO. N does not stand for New. Nazi World Order. Read my Substack article on the Nazi World Order and why Israel is saved for last.

Also read the below thread by @DrC_IET17 to find out we are dealing with Judeo Nazis.

+ = C19. ++ = Ukraine. +++ = Israel.

The common theme running through all three psyops is both Nazism and Zionism.

Think about it.

C19 (+): Mass medical experiments on a global scale without informed consent. Can you say 'Nazis'? Sure you can. And which country had the most gruesome vaccine experiments of them all? Israel.

Ukraine (++): Actual Nazis in parliament and in the military. Remember what Putin's objective was: the denazification of Ukraine. And Zelensky is a Zionist. Ukraine is also the original home of the Khazars, who would later become the Ashkenazis and then Zionists.

Israel (+++): Zionist ethno state built on land purchased by the Rothschilds, where the open-air prison called Gaza resembled a Nazi concentration camp and now an extermination camp.

Q writes:

NWO. N does not stand for New. Nazi World Order. Read my Substack article on the Nazi World Order and why Israel is saved for last.

Also read the below thread by @DrC_IET17 to find out we are dealing with Judeo Nazis.



Netanyahu is a murderous and genocidal Zionist Nazi leader. Zionists are today's Nazis. Israel is not the state of the Jews. The whole world should know these genocidal and lying Zionists well. The world must now intervene nationally against Israel, otherwise the genocide will continue. Israelis are brainwashed and live in lies, far from the truth.
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