
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Azov trying to hide from the liberated areas of Mariupol in the industrial zone of Azovstal were destroyed. In residential areas, they can no longer repulse the Russian military, so they hastily leave their positions and head to the territory of the metallurgical plant by detours. This is where the Chechen fighters are waiting for them.

Gebruik van witte fosfor in Donetsk door het Oekraiense leger!

Waar Rusland dan vervolgens de schuld van krijgt:


⚡️ Russische troepen hebben de eerste fase van de invasie van Oekraïne voltooid, zo claimt het Kremlin vrijdagavond.

Poetin zou zich nu volledig willen focussen op "het bevrijden van het Donetsbekken in oost-Oekraïne", wat suggereert dat Rusland mogelijk bescheidenere militaire doelen nastreeft na een maand waarin Oekraïne zich hevig verzette.

Listen to this emotional eyewitness testimony from Mariupol.
You won't see this on the mainstream news.
On the Azov Battalion:
"Scum basically. This Azov Battalion needs to be destroyed. Not a single one should be taken alive. Not a single one. And Zelensky should go first, dammit....look what he's done to people."

Gebruik van witte fosfor in Donetsk door het Oekraiense leger!

Waar Rusland dan vervolgens de schuld van krijgt:


Precies wat de Russen al voorspelden op TG kanaal van Kadyrov:

Werkelijk iedere "oorlogsmisdaad van Rusland" blijkt in werkelijkheid van het Oekraïense leger afkomstig te zijn.
“The same globalists who’ve been saying that the nation state is a thing of the past, and that protecting our borders and identity is not important, now want to go to war to protect Ukraine’s borders, sovereignty and national identity.”

— Maxime Bernier

“Heard on radio Zelensky had been denied speaking appearance at Oscars. Odd given that this is the one place where his performance might have made sense. All the ‘I have a dream, have a need’ stuff.” — Fischer King

Vuile sadisten! Ik hoop dat de Russen ze op basis van deze video op kunnen sporen en even met ze gaan 'praten'.


I don't know what's worse.

This member of a Ukrainian militia calling the family of a Russian soldier killed in an artillery strike to mock them.

Or the fact that the rabid animal thought it was a good idea to record it and upload it to the internet.

The Ukrainians have been uploading a lot of videos like this to the internet. I'm sure the Russians are doing sadistic shit too, but you just don't see this level of depravity.

The man in the video has been identified as the head of some GLADIO unit not protected by the Geneva convention. Doubtful he will survive the war even if he surrenders.

A member of Bandera's "Azov", is Pilipchuk Ivan Ivanovich, 02/02/1985, phone +380987680536.

Someone in the phone book was written as "Vanya the coach loves in the ass" 🤦🏻‍♂🤮

We will keep the address of his residence in the Zhytomyr region, his parents are there. Anyway, Vanyusha is not there now, but if he does not repent of his deeds in public, it will be painful. While Vanya, hiding behind the backs of civilians, is terrorizing civilian Russians, we traced his every move by his DRFO code 3107912292 (an analogue of the TIN in Russia).

Heard that someone has already announced a reward for data about him, take it for free!


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