
Mike, dat neemt niet weg dat je een stelling deponeert zonder enige onderbouwing en dáár gaat het om.
Je valt slechts in herhaling en dan kom je bovendien met een smoesje dat je te moe bent. Ik heb het wel gehad met je. Lui zoals jij heb ik op talloze andere fora voorbij zien komen. Pedante betweters omdat ze de kans krijgen zolnag anderen graag hun hielen likken. Zo ken ik er nog wel een paar. Ik ben er niet van gediend.

Speciaal voor Marian:

Benjamin Fulford is doing the rounds again, now he's interviewing with David Nino Rodriguez.

I'm pretty sure Fulford is a disinfo asset and has been for years.

Couple months back in one of Fulford's update, he claimed his "Dragon family source said General Flynn is not to be trusted", and even suggested Flynn could be "working for the Khazarian Mafia". (screenshot provided)

Fulford is full of anonymous "sources" and "insiders", too. Pretty easy to see that he's probably full of shit.

And I don't know why Nino is having so many Flynn attackers on his show. Jaco, Clements, now Fulford.

Stop letting yourself get used by these fools, Nino.

🇺🇲🇺🇦🇷🇺 CIA analyst Larry Johnson suggested that the Russian encirclement of Kyiv over the past three weeks was intended to tie up significant Ukrainian resources so that Russia could conduct large-scale operations in the east and south. Problem solved.

In his opinion, the remaining groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass and Kharkiv will become the next object of Russian efforts. Eliminating them is the next task.

Verbied de letter Z!

Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmitry Kuleba has urged the global community to ban the Latin letter “Z” since, from Kiev’s point of view, it represents Russia’s military attack on the country.

“I call on all states to criminalize the use of the ‘Z’ symbol as a way to publicly support Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine,” Kuleba wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. He added that ‘Z’ means “Russian war crimes, bombed out cities, thousands of murdered Ukrainians” and said that “public support of this barbarism must be forbidden.”

Moscow’s Ministry of Defense gave its own explanation in an Instagram post in early March, however, hinting that “Z” stands for “victory” while “V” stands for “truth.”

fact that an offensive operation will not be carried out near Kiev and Chernigov (for some time), from a purely military point of view, is a completely logical step. We are waiting for an even greater increase in the intensity of fighting in the Donbass and in the south. Here are the main forces of the enemy and they must be buried.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 The head of Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, said that after the Russian military blew up the Ukrainian dam that blocked the water supply to Crimea, more than 35 million cubic meters of water had already entered the peninsula through the North Crimean Canal.

Yesterday it was announced that the North Crimean Canal was full.

Watch the water.

Laatst bewerkt:
Verbied de letter Z!

Ik wil de letters LHGBT+ verbieden.... Is that an option?
🇺🇦🇷🇺⚡️ A draft on the prohibition of the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church, the seizure of real estate and other property has been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Men probeert Azov commandanten via helicopters te evacueren uit Mariupol.

In het kader werden in de nacht van 27 op 28 maart kruisen gemaakt op het grondgebied van de Azovstal-fabriek om Oekraïense helikopters te ontvangen, met behulp waarvan ze van plan waren de commandant van de Azov Prokopenko en de commandant van de 36e Marine te evacueren Brigade van de strijdkrachten van Oekraïne Baranyuk met een aantal zeer belangrijke buitenlandse huurlingen.

Op 18 maart eigende Zelensky "helden van Oekraïne" toe aan deze commandanten.

Er werden twee sorties gemaakt voor de evacuatie. De ingang werd gemaakt vanaf de kant van de Zee van Azov. Bij de eerste poging op 28 maart werd één helikopter vernield (https://t.me/svarschiki/5540). De tweede poging om het grondgebied van Azovstal binnen te komen werd gisteren, 29 maart, verijdeld, maar de bemanning durfde de luchtverdedigingszone niet binnen te gaan en na blootstelling gingen ze terug.

In het gebied van de fabriek is de luchtverdediging versterkt. Elke poging om commandanten te evacueren zal streng worden onderdrukt. Hoewel het aas het waard is om een dozijn helikopters te plaatsen. Stuur meer.


Deze Brit zit in het Oekraïense leger en is nog steeds in Mariupol. Misschien wilden ze hem ook evacueren?
Laatst bewerkt door een moderator:
[ Video ]
Russia is not retreating - Kadyrov

The Head of the Chechen Republic asks the President to give the order, to begin final operation against Banderovites in Kyiv.

Reminder that there has not been an offensive on Kiyv, only air strikes on supply depots. You can't retreat if you weren't there in the first place.

VIDEO Ramzan Kadyrov (met ondertitels):
Zeer interessante analyse over de oorlog door Scott Ritter (voormalig United Nations weapons inspector).
Over Russische tactiek in fase 1 en het vervolg van fase 2.

Vanaf 13:15

Draadje op zijn Twitter (16 tweets):

9 t/m 16 zie Twitter
Mariupol resident testimony: Azov and Ukraine army use civilian buildings, people homes, schools.

Mariupol residents on Azov. They took positions in populated areas, hospitals.

Mariupol resident blames Ukrainian army for the damage to the city.

We are digging up videos from the start of the Russian offensive. Ukraine Paramilitary fires at civilians in a check point


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