
Herinnert u zich deze nog?


In Chuguev she “survived”, and in Bucha her “husband” was killed. She is literally a professional victim for the Ukraine propaganda machine. I’ve seen her in two other victim photographs. See if you can spot her in future Ukrainian attacks on civilians.

En goh, het is een ♀️. Maar dat is uiteraard louter toeval.

De eerste beelden van de Oekraïense raketaanval op het treinstation van Kramatorsk.

Net zoals de aanval op Donetsk heeft Oekraïne een Tochka-U ballistische raket gebruikt. En weer waren burgers het doelwit.
Dit is 1994, de markt in Sarajevo, all over again. De Serviers kregen toen de schuld, nu de Russen.


Intel.Slava Z over deze aanslag en wie de werkelijke daders zijn:

This is a fragment of the missile that hit the Kramatorsk train station, and killed at least 30 civilians who were waiting to evacuate.

The AFU has blamed the Russians, but this picture of the missile shows that it is indisputably a Tochka-U rocket — used exclusively by the Ukrainian side. It’s the same kind of missile that two weeks ago hit the center of Donetsk and killed 27 civilians.

What’s that saying? Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times . . .

⚡️Statement by Russian Defence Ministry

▫️In order to accuse Russia of an alleged missile strike on Kramatorsk railway station, Kiev regime has posted on social media pictures of Tochka-U missile launchers that took part in "Union Courage 2022" Russian-Belarusian exercise inFebruary.

▫️Please note, all photos published by Kiev from "Union Courage 2022" exercise show non-Russian missile systems.

▫️Tochka-U tactical missiles whose wreckage was found near Kramatorsk railway station are used only by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

▫️According to clarified information, the strike on Kramatorsk railway station was carried out by missile division of the Ukrainian armed forces from area of Dobropol’e, 45 kilometres south-west of the city.

▫️The aim of Kiev regime's strike on the railway station in Kramatorsk was to disrupt the mass exit of residents from the city in order to use them as a "human shield" to defend Ukrainian armed forces positions, as in many other Ukrainian population centres.

De ene keer kan ik met bovengenoemde t.me de tekst openen en de andere keer niet. Vreemd.
🇮🇱🇺🇦 March 23, 2022. Ukraine. Training camp and training of Ukrainian soldiers under the guidance of Israeli military specialists from the combat units of the IDF.

Reeds over bericht door Kefirkev en Kees71:
Het ministerie vermeldt dat het type raket dat gebruikt is bij de aanval alleen door het Oekraïense leger wordt ingezet. Bij het treinstation zijn fragmenten gevonden van een Tochka-U-raket, die alleen wordt gebruikt door Oekraïense troepen, aldus het ministerie.

Ook de Duitse journalist Alina Lipp stelt dat het gaat om een Oekraïense Tochka-U-raket. Eenzelfde raket kwam twee weken geleden neer in het centrum van Donetsk. Bij die aanval kwamen 27 burgers om het leven.
🇺🇦 💬"...we were not held hostage, but we were a living shield".

They told us not to worry. I don’t want to wish harm to anyone, but I want them to be judged as strictly as possible...

Mariupol citizens evacuated from the basements of the city hospital by Russian soldiers reveal the inhumane treatment of Mariupol residents by the Nazi battalion fighters.

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The first video from the seaport of Mariupol

Remaining Nazis are now in Azovstal plant and soon they all will be dead.


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