
🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡️In Mariupol, the sea trade port was completely freed from the militants of "Azov", all the hostages were released - Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Russian Ministry of Defense: "If strikes on Russian territory continue, the Russian Armed Forces will strike decision-making centers, including those in Kiev.”

I believe the war is about to heat up, for four reasons:

1) The siege of Mariupol is almost over; its end will free up a ton of Russian & Donbass troops for other major operations.

2) Strategic bombers of the Russian Aerospace Forces have reportedly been put on high alert.

3) The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that NATO vehicles transporting weapons for Ukraine are considered legitimate military targets.

4) The Russian Ministry of Defense has threatened to bomb "decision-making centers" in Ukraine, including Kiev, if the Ukrainians fire at Russian territory again.


Scott Ritter on the Hard Reality of the Resolution of the Ukraine war.​

Korte video 37 seconden:

Hele video 21 minuten (o.a. over Bucha, NATO, Oekraine/Rusland)

Start op 6:30 min:

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The Donbass cauldron will "give birth" to at least thirty thousand more. If the enemy shows prudence, then all fifty. Persuasion with the use of artillery is very effective.

We'll have to rely on the participation of Europe, she must feed her "warriors of light." Or will the West leave allied soldiers in this piquant situation? It turns out that for the war they needed these people, and in captivity, disappear to hell.

So let's see what kind of friends modern Ukraine has, how will the West behave, will it feed the prisoners, or will it limit itself to demanding release? I think in the LDNR they should adopt separate laws for prisoners (conditions of detention, involvement in work, distribution of bonuses and the path to release).""

👆These claims made by embedded journalist and Russian agent "Sladkov"

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ "The fall of Mariupol is coming. The countdown should be done not in days, but already in hours" - British military analyst, Professor Michael Clarke

"The final agony of the battle for Mariupol seems inevitable." “Dramatic events can happen overnight in Mariupol,” - broadcast of the British TV channel Sky News is full of such gloomy words.

Clark said that the fall of Mariupol is nearing. This should be counted not in days, but already in hours: “I will be surprised if Mariupol is not in the hands of the Russians by this time tomorrow.”

According to the professor, after the capture of Izyum, Russian troops will try to break through for a large association in southern Ukraine. If they win, the Russians can go to the north of the country:

“It will take some time, but if they can defeat the Ukrainians in Mariupol, they can release probably half of their forces there, at least 6,000 or maybe 8,000 soldiers, to start moving north in this big offensive. ".

Clarke said that the Ukrainians were driven into two "boilers" on the coast of the Sea of Azov. Commenting on the words of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation that the port of Mariupol was taken, the analyst noted: this is “completely trustworthy” and “almost certainly” true.


The Donbas boiler will "give birth" to at least thirty thousand more.

🇬🇧🇷🇺 Relatives of a British soldier captured in Mariupol ask to be treated humanely

“He called me and said they didn’t have any weapons left to fight,” Aiden’s mother, Emma Vardy, told reporters.

The Briton warned his followers on social networks about the impending surrender: “48 days have passed, we tried our best to defend Mariupol, but we have no other choice but to surrender to Russian forces. We don't have food or ammunition."

Now Aiden's relatives are appealing to the Russian authorities through British tabloids to have pity on their boy, mindful of Russian President Vladimir Putin's warning that the POW Convention does not apply to foreign mercenaries in the Donbass.

8 years
8 fucking years of slaughter!
10+ thousand people have been butchered relentlessly by the Ukrainian armed forces, the west fucking watched, was silent and even partook in the slaughter of the people of Donbass.

Now all we hear is Russia did this atrocity, and Russia did that! We where these western libshit fucks the past fucking 8 years as the people of donbass where slaughtered by the Ukrainians and there Nazi hordes, that's right, most were silent and or didn't care.

Now that Donbass fights back with its Russian supporters, now the west screams in agony.

Now the Donbass revenge has come and the west screams in pain and rage as there victims now fight back!

🇺🇦⚡The financial condition of Ukraine is so bad that today it faces a question of survival, - the head of the Ministry of Finance

According to Marchenko, if the West wants Ukraine to continue to fight, it must be provided with urgent financial assistance, because. Kyiv cannot cover its budget deficit.

But the main thing is not only that Western aid is not enough. The key point is that this is not gratuitous assistance, but loans that will have to be repaid.

Strictly R18+

I try not to publish gore on this channel - but I felt it was important to bring to light the way Ukrainian extremists shell civilian vehicles attempting to leave.

Pictured is a small child as a casualty of such sporadic shelling.

Some very preliminary thoughts on the destruction of the Moskva

I just woke up to hear the news that the Russian ship Moskva was destroyed by Ukrainian missiles.

At this time, we do not know the loss of life, the condition of the ship, or if the Russians have military assets to replace its functions in the Black Sea.

But some preliminary thoughts inevitably arise.

1. I suspect this was likely carried out by the AFU group protecting Odessa, which has so far—and uniquely—suffered no significant Russian attack, and is therefore at close to 100% military effectiveness.

2. Like the helicopter raid against the fuel depot in Belgorod, I suspect this was a rogue operation that was not ordered by Kiev.

Rationale for 2.: The first reason to think 2 is because Ukraine military command and control has completely broken down due to Russian strikes. The second reason is because the timing is not politically advantageous to Kiev. The Zelensky regime had just released photos of Medvedchuk in captivity — he is known to be a close personal friend of Putin’s. The political implications of having Medvedchuk captive had not been played out before this attack on the Moskva happened. Granted, the Russian Foreign Ministry had slammed the door on any kind of hostage exchange, saying that Medvedchuk was not a Russian national, so therefore he was of no interest to Russia. But it was still early days insofar as the Medvedchuk situation is concerned. So it doesn’t seem reasonable politically that the Zelensky regime would order such an attack on the ship before playing out the Medvedchuk hand. It would make much more sense if this were a rogue attack.

3. Don’t be surprised if the Zelensky regime initially tries to downplay this attack on the ship. The two minor Ukraine incursions into Russian territory—the helicopter raid on civilian fuel depot in Belgorod, and the minor sabotaging of the rail line from Kharkov to Belgorod—pissed off the Russians something awful, to the point where they were threatening to attack Kyiv‘s military and political headquarters. (Remember, the Russians’ stated goal is to not destroy key political and military infrastructure in Kiev or of Ukraine generally.) Destroying their ship, however, is a major provocation for the Russians — so elements within the Zelensky regime (probably military high command) who are very aware of this might openly argue in favor of downplaying the whole situation.

4. This of course won’t happen — the Zelensky regime is going to bang the drum on this “decisive victory”. And this will absolutely enrage the Russians.

5. I would not be surprised if the Russians over the next 96 hours carry out coordinated and devastating attacks in retaliation. Especially if photos/video emerge which show the Moskva has indeed sunk. The Russian public — not Putin and the political leader ship — will dictate the ferocity of the response. And paradoxically, the more the Zelensky regime bangs the drum on sinking the ship to raise morale in Ukraine and convince NATO to send more weapons — that is, the more Kiev rubs the Russian people’s nose in this loss — the more terrifying and devastating the Russian military response will be.

6. If and when Russia launches this devastating response to the sinking of their ship, they will deliberately and systematically hit all key Ukrainian military and political command centers across the country, up to and including Lviv. Previously, the Russians had cut the lines of military communication from Kyiv to the rest of the country — but had not taken out the actual command nodes. That will no longer be the case from here on out.

1/2 cont’d below.

2/2 cont’d from above.

7. Another paradox: The sinking of the Moskva will give Russian military command the rationale to go scorched earth on Ukraine’s political and military leadership, just as they would against any other enemy. The Russian Foreign Ministry will raise no objections, because of the Zelensky regime’s intransigence insofar as any negotiated settlement. As you recall, after the last meeting in Turkey, where there seemed to be some progress, the Zelensky regime abruptly backtracked on all the progress made. Lavrov was furious. So with this sinking of their ships, and a clear indication that the Zelensky regime has no interest in finding a negotiated settlement, the political niceties will be thrown out the window.

Russia is going to go into total-war mode.

In conclusion, this sinking of the Moskva might turn out to be the worst decision ever. Because up to this point, the Russians have deliberately tried to reign in the dogs of war. But if the Ukraine side has no real interest in coming to a negotiated political solution, and if now they are actually hurting the Russians — the Russians are going to stop fighting with one hand tied behind their back. And I think the most obvious response will be the use of strategic bombers, which have so far played no role, but which I think are about to be unleashed on a massive scale.

The sinking of the Moskva was an utter disaster — for the Zelensky regime and the people of Ukraine. In one stroke, it has turned Russia’s “special military operation” into an out-and-out war.

Domme beslissing om dat Russische marineschip aan te vallen!


Het vermeende bloedbad dat aan Russische troepen wordt toegeschreven, is net zo “nep” als eerdere “chemische aanvallen” in Syrië, zei de president.

De Russische President Vladimir Poetin heeft beschuldigingen dat Russische troepen verantwoordelijk zouden zijn voor het doden van burgers in Boetsja, een voorstad van Kiev, van de hand gewezen, waarbij hij de zaak als nep bestempelde. De president maakte de opmerkingen dinsdag tijdens een gezamenlijke persconferentie met zijn Wit-Russische tegenhanger Alexander Lukashenko.

“Ik heb tot nu toe vaak met collega’s uit Westerse landen gesproken. En wanneer zij ‘Boetsja’ tegen mij zeggen, dan vraag ik hen: ‘Bent u wel eens in Raqqa geweest? Heeft u gezien hoe deze Syrische stad compleet is verpletterd door de Amerikaanse luchtmacht? Er liggen daar al maanden lijken te rotten tussen de ruïnes. En daar gaf niemand iets om,” zei Poetin, die nog toevoegde dat op massamoorden op burgers door het Westen in Afghanistan met dezelfde stilte werd gereageerd.

“Er was niet zo’n stilte toen ze provocaties organiseerden in Syrië, of toen dachten dat de Assad-regering chemische wapens gebruikte. Daarna bleek dat het nep was, en dat is het ook in Boetsja.”

De Russische president voegde ook toe dat de inlichtingendienst van het land al materialen van hun Wit-Russische tegenhangers heeft ontvangen die bewijzen dat het bloedbad in Boetsja, dat door velen een ‘massamoord’ word genoemd, geënsceneerd is. Poetin wijdde echter niet uit over de materialen die hij noemde.

Boetsja haalde begin April de krantenkoppen kort nadat het Russische leger zich had teruggetrokken uit de buitenwijken van Kiev, Oekraïense troepen waren binnengetrokken, en er in de stad tientallen doden burgers waren gevonden. Autoriteiten in Kiev beschuldigden prompt het Russische leger van de vermeende slachtpartij, terwijl Westerse toppolitici al snel de kant van Oekraïne kozen en hun kijk op het incident versterkten. De voorstad werd een ‘hotspot’ voor Europese politici om hun solidariteit met Oekraïne te tonen en “Russische oorlogsmisdaden” te veroordelen.

Moskou viel het buurland eind februari binnen, nadat Oekraïne de voorwaarden van de in 2014 getekende Minsk akkoorden niet had ingevoerd en Rusland de Donbass republieken Donetsk en Lugansk uiteindelijk als onafhankelijk had erkend. Het door Duitsland en Frankrijk bemiddelde Minsk Protocol werd ontworpen om de afgescheiden regio’s een speciale status te geven binnen de Oekraïense staat.

Rusland heeft sindsdien geëist dat Oekraïne zichzelf officieel tot een neutraal land verklaart dat zich nooit zal aansluiten bij de door de VS geleide militaire alliantie NATO. Kiev houdt vol dat het Russische offensief niet gerechtvaardigd was en heeft beweringen dat het van plan was de twee republieken met geweld te heroveren ontkend.

Oorsponkelijke artikel (alleen via VPN te bekijken): https://www.rt.com/russia/553765-putin-bucha-massacre-comment/
Exactly 8 years ago - 14.04.2014 - the "anti-terrorist" operation against Donbass began, by the decree of president Turchinov.

This is the day the genocide against Russians began - with 14,000 dead to date.

"Our main task is to take the East" - says the BBC headline.

🇷🇺 Spetsnaz trophies in Ukraine
Various grenade launchers, small arms, ammunition, as well as a remarkable flag with Stepan Bandera.


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