
1/3 Irpin residents: Ukrainian army targeted and bombed civilians. This woman tells how her neighbours died in a mine explosion and her soon was severely injured.

2/3 Irpin residents. The Ukraine army shelled civilian areas and targeted its own citizens. This woman soon live was saved by Russian surgeons. Ukraine authorities lied to civilians and the army used then as human shields.

3/3 Irpin residents: Irina tells how she decided to evacuate with the Russian military. She recalled how for years since 2014 Aidar Battalion terrorised, kidnapped, murdered and rape civilians, including her own father.

Albina Derkach testifies there was no humanitarian aid in Mariupol from Ukraine:
— ...from the very beginning, the city was abandoned. There was no help from the authorities. People were abandoned.

Pablo Garrido Mancebo, 'Turbito',
A well known Neo Nazi from València, Spain.
He is in Ukraine defending the democratic values of the EU.
He says at the start "look at this the bullets brand new" . I personally don't understand how the bullets or the shells could be already used.🤔🤔🤔

Some Ukrainian troops have chosen for their unit sign to wear the "Bolton's cross" from the TV show "Game of Thrones". If you have not seen the show, the Bolton family are the most treacherous and sadistic clan of the show, the whole play of the family through the seasons of the show is to betray and to torture people.
Is the only family of the show where the writers didn't try to make any of the characters look sympathetic for anyone at all.
You get The Lanisters or the Targaryen, evil but somehow relatable.
The Bolton family? Rabbid dogs.

9 video's met getuigenissen van verkrachtingen en martelingen door Ukronazi's:

De bevolking van Oost-Oekraine haalt de Russen in als bevrijders, wat ze natuurlijk ook zijn:

🇺🇦 Today, five people died in Kharkov after the shelling of the city center from the MLRS from the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (settlement Merefa, settlement Vysoky).

The video is scary, but at the same time you can see how the Kharkov doctors behave and how the roosters from Azov behave, who, instead of dragging the wounded into cover, jump over and run around them, hiding in the building.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Institute for the Study of War (USA) showed how the situation in Mariupol has changed over the past day.

Judging by the map, the Russians have seized territories north of Azovstal.

Kadyrov responds to Zelensky - announces Phase 2 of Operation

Zelensky has stated that if his Azov forces are destroyed inside Azovstal (Mariupol)- then Ukraine will not participate in negotiations with Russia.

To interpret Kadyrov's words - the Ukrainian govt is not a legitimate govt (being controlled from across the Atlantic), and as such, is not in a position to voice conditions for restoration of peace.

💥 6:00 Kadyrov calls on Ukrainian forces to lay down arms and promises amnesty, in anticipation of Phase 2 - the offensive on Donbass.

"Everyone's human" - Russian forces on POWs

One of many clips showing mass surrender underway in the DPR. Many of these people are recent conscripts, and not professional soldiers, sent to defend an incompetent government.

It makes sense that an amnesty is offered, if one lays down arms voluntarily.

Ukraine 'can' fight Russia for 10 years, brags nanopresident Zelensky, that is operating with a 5 billion dollar deficit every few months. I wonder how long US taxpayers will agree to foot these bills. 🔥🔥

Ik kan me nog iemand herinneren met een soortgelijk bord voor zijn kop:. Herinner je je nog Tariq Aziz, Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken onder Saddam Hussein, aan het begin van de Golfoorlog?

Laatst bewerkt:
3 days ago the last holdouts in the plant in Mariupol asked for permission to surrender.

President Zelensky ordered them all to fight and die to the last man.

However, the Russian's set a 24 hr deadline for the trapped Ukrainian forces to lay down their arms and surrender on their own.

When the deadline expired, the Russians sent in the heavy bombers and began leveling the plant.

I believe this is the first time heavy bombers were used in this operation.


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