Three scenarios are planned for the Russian Federation accusation.

The first one is a ‘staged incident under a false flag’ that is the most probable.

This could include a real use of chemical and biological weapons that would cause deaths among the population or staging ‘sabotages’ from Russia at the facilities of Ukraine involved in the development of components for weapons of mass destruction.

The abovementioned scenario can be implemented in the chemical and biological facilities located in Kharkov and Kiev.

There also may occur a provocation in the nuclear energy facilities: above all others, it could refer to Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Station controlled by the Russian Federation. On April, 21, a convoy of 10 motor vehicles that was transporting dangerous goods to the nuclear station was stopped and turned about to Zaporozhye.

In addition, the leadership of Ukraine is seriously considering striking at the radioactive waste storage facility at the former Pridneprovsky Chemical Plant in the village of Kamenskoye in Dnipropetrovsk Region.
🗂The Ministry of Defense has documents confirming the critical condition of the storage facility and the inappropriate spending of funds allocated by the European Union for the maintenance of the facility.

The second one refers to a ‘Maximally covert use of weapons of mass destruction in small volumes’ for neutralising the will power and the capacity to resist within the fulfilment of a particular operational task.

This scenario was supposed to be implemented in ‘Azovstal’. But the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to cancel the assault of the entity has frustrated the plans of the Pentagon.

The third and the least probable one is the ‘overt use of weapons of mass destruction at a combat area’ in case of failure to succeed in using conventional armaments in the combat zone.

This scenario was considered for Slavyansk and Kramatorsk that had been transformed into fortified towns.

The high probability of staging the application of chemical arms is confirmed by the facts of the supply of antidotes with toxic substances to Ukraine. Only in 2022, on request of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, more than 220 thousand of vials with atropines. This fact is an evidence of a targeted preparation of a provocation that includes the use of toxic nerve-paralytic substances.