
Russian OSINT channel Rybar on the difficulties of the "Second Phase" & the Battle for Popasnaya:

Difficulties of the second phase of a special military operation

Quite often we encounter ordinary people's misunderstanding of what is happening on the frontlines. In some ways this is the fault of television experts, who for eight years have been spreading hurrah-patriotism about "worthless Ukrainians”. In some ways it is the banal lack of understanding of the specifics of military operations in the region.

In the Kharkov and Lugansk oblasts, the relatively slow pace of advance of the Allied Forces [Armed Forces of Russia + Donetsk/Lugansk People’s Militias – RWA] persists. In the south, in Donetsk and Zaporozhye oblasts, progress is almost imperceptible.

Therefore, some may have the mistaken impression that the second phase of the SSO declared by the Russian military command has stalled.

But this is not true. (1/3)

The main task of the second phase involves establishing full control over Donbass. And there are several factors to consider here:

▪️ The Donbass group of the AFU consists of the most trained and motivated units, including those redeployed from Western Ukraine.

▪️ The enemy has had eight years to think through and implement a deeply echeloned defense along the entire line of contact with LPR and DPR forces.

▪️ The Ukrainian side deliberately does not evacuate the population from the combat zone, using civilians as human shields. Evacuations are only carried out when military personnel are mixed with civilians in evacuation convoys.

All this undoubtedly complicates the main task of the second phase of the Special Military Operation, but does not make it impossible.

The Allied Forces are currently making active attempts to breach the AFU defenses in several places at once:

▪️ Slow but steady progress is being made in the Izyum direction.

▪️ The Allied forces have completed an operational encirclement of Liman: the entire area is under Russian fire control.

▪️ Battles continue for Rubezhnoye, where the enemy defenses are gradually being ground down.

▪️ The LPR People's Militia eliminated a powerful fortification in Novotoshkovskoye and advanced toward Orekhovo.

▪️ The assault on Popasnaya continues: regular troops, "Kadyrovites" and "Wagner" have been slowly taking the city for a month and a half now.

Popasnaya has been called almost the Stalingrad of the current special operation. Although the comparison is overflowing with pathos, it is nevertheless correct. Yes, there was a successful operation to liberate Mariupol.

But if we compare the scale of forces and means involved, as well as the prospects for the operation, then Popasnaya is one of the critical points for the success of the second phase of the Special Military Operation.

🔻 What control of Popasnaya accomplishes

▪️ The ability to continue the offensive on multiple fronts simultaneously;

▪️ access to a major transport hub - the town of Bakhmut, the occupation of which will disrupt the supply of some of the AFU units;

▪️ the possibility of creating several cauldrons and cutting off the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk group from the rest of the AFU forces in the Donbass.

Realizing these prospects, the AFU command moved some units from the agglomeration of Rubezhnoye - Severodonetsk - Lisichansk to Popasnaya. This made it possible to partially compensate for the losses incurred by the 24th Lvov Mechanized Brigade.

Although the Allied Forces already control most of the city, the assault on Popasnaya remains one of the most difficult operations for several reasons. (2/3)

🔻The complexities of Popasnaya

▪️ The settlement is located in an elevated area with a whole network of natural water obstacles. This significantly slowed the pace of the offensive in the early days.

In eight years, the AFU has turned the city into a powerful fortification, surrounding it (especially along the southern outskirts) with a system of platoon and company level strongpoints, which are linked by communication passages. These communications allow for the covert transfer of personnel and armored vehicles to firing positions with the ability to move quickly for cover.

▪️ The Allied Forces are likely to eliminate the strongpoints, to which AFU units are currently trying to withdraw from the city, after the liberation of Popasnaya itself.

▪️ Most of the city is in the private sector, where Ukrainian servicemen have dug trenches and equipped dugouts in basements. Sweeping each house is time-consuming and difficult.

▪️ In the rare high-rise buildings, AFU units created positions for snipers and spotters.

▪️ There are still civilians in Popasnaya, which prevents the Allied Forces from making full use of aviation and artillery.

That is how it turns out that it will take more time to storm the twenty-thousand-strong town than to liberate the half-million-strong city of Mariupol.

However, this operation, too, is gradually nearing completion.

🔻At this point

▪️ The allied forces control the entire eastern part of the city, the Popasnaya-1 railway station, and the local administration building.

▪️ A few strongholds have been eliminated around the city.

▪️ The southwestern outskirts of the city are being cleaned up and preparations are being made for an offensive towards the Popasnya car-repair plant.

▪️ The Ukrainian Armed Forces are gradually realizing the pointlessness of further resistance and surrendering in small groups.

The result of the liberation of Popasnaya will not be long in coming, and the second phase of the special military operation will proceed at a different speed. (3/3)

An officer of the Ukrainian army was arrested by Russian authorities in Mariupol for raping a woman at gunpoint & murdering her husband, who tried to stop the rape. He has since confessed to the crime & explained it with the "suspected pro-Russian views" of the couple. https://t.me/readovkanews/32467

Posted by ukrainian account:

Colleagues, we published that the Kremlin handed over lists of POWs, of which there are more than 4,000. For the Office of the President, this is a big problem, which they will not be able to keep silent about for a long time, in Kiev they are now looking for a formula on how to submit information to the public.

Surrender is becoming a mass phenomenon, because of some brigade commanders who simply throw the guys on the tanks, while they themselves are tens of kilometers away from the fighting. Indicative in this regard is the case of the 93rd brigade, our soldiers got into a tactical encirclement , because of the tyranny of the command, and no one comes to their aid.

🏳️🇺🇦 Appeal of a captured AFU soldier to his former comrades-in-arms: "Stop... Russia and Ukraine are Slavic brothers of the same blood"

◽️ Every day more and more Ukrainian soldiers voluntarily surrender. They declare their unwillingness to fight, blaming the US and their government.

◽️ All of them emphasise the good attitude of the Russian servicemen towards them.

🏳️🇺🇦 Appeal of a captured AFU soldier to his former comrades-in-arms: "Waste of people.... It's the government's fault"

◽️ Every day more and more Ukrainian soldiers voluntarily surrender. They declare their unwillingness to fight, blaming the US and their government.

◽️ All of them emphasise the good attitude of the Russian servicemen towards them.

🇺🇦Kiev declared war on the monuments to Pushkin.

Today in Chernihiv, a sculpture of a Russian poet was solemnly demolished.

Moreover, the dismantling was carried out not by the city authorities, but by Ukrainian nationalists from the "terroborona".

Not so long ago, monuments to Pushkin were demolished in Ternopil and Mukachevo.

They shoot anywhere!

A refugee from Mariupol told how Ukrainian snipers killed local residents so that they would not help the DPR fighters.

Another evidence that Ukrainian neo-Nazis hide behind civilians and kill them

Aleksandr Reinik, who was evacuated from Mariupol on April 10, 2022 by the DPR military, said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces organized a firing line near his house.

From this point, the military regularly killed the civilian population, which at that time was in the city.

🇷🇺🇺🇦❗The Russian army is preparing to deliver a powerful blow to the Armed Forces of Ukraine on May 9 - Gauleiter of Lugansk region

“I am sure that they are preparing for May 9th in order to massively cover us with artillery preparation already on May 9th,” said Sergey Gaidai, head of the OVA.

⚡️ Message from local residents of Odessa:

"3 missiles landed at the airfield. There were Ukrainian aircraft and drones in the hangars. Almost everything was destroyed, but two fighters were able to fly away."

Posted by ukrainian channel:

Our source in the OP said that the Pentagon began planning military operations for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass in order to contain the onslaught of the Russian army.

The General Staff permanently hosts several dozen NATO generals in the status of military advisers who participate in the discussion and decision-making on all key issues.

As I have already shared earlier, more and more end up with the same conclusion:

The key difference between the last five weeks of the war and the first two is the sharply reduced losses of the Russian army, both killed / wounded and captured. The reason is on the surface: the original tactic, set up primarily for rapid advance, was rejected, and it was replaced by crushing tactics - a leisurely advance following artillery preparation and air strikes. Before the next line of defense of the Ukrainian troops, this advance stops, and the main role is again transferred to artillery and aviation. After the defending Ukrainian troops either withdraw or surrender, the advance is resumed. You should not expect quick spectacular breakthroughs here, but the final result will be more reliable.

Another evidence that Ukrainian neo-Nazis hide behind civilians and kill them

Aleksandr Reinik, who was evacuated from Mariupol on April 10, 2022 by the DPR military, said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces organized a firing line near his house.
From this point, the military regularly killed the civilian population, which at that time was in the city.
Source: https://t.me/ukr_leaks_eng


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