The Armed Forces of Ukraine gathered civilians in the Drama Theater by fraud to shell them afterwards.
Sergey, Mariupol resident, said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were gathering civilians in the Drama Theater for 2 days by convincing them that a humanitarian corridor would be opened to leave the city. The civilians were told to wait for some time inside the Drama Theater. But after a while the blasts were heard and the building of the Theater was destroyed.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine gathered civilians in the Drama Theater by fraud to shell them afterwards. Sergey, Mariupol resident, said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were gathering civilians in the Drama Theater for 2 days by convincing them that a humanitarian corridor would be opened to...

Zo ziek en gestoord zijn de Ukronazi's dus. Ze hebben burgers samengedromd in dat theater in Mariopol onder valse voorwendselen en vervolgens zelf het theater bestookt. Net zoals ze zelf MH17 uit de lucht hebben geschoten en alle inzittenden hebben opgeofferd. Alles om de Russen maar de schuld te kunnen beschuldigen en een wereldoorlog uit te lokken.