
You guys remember that ...uhm... thing? They erected it in Bulgaria in the center of the city to scare little kids to juxtapose it with the Soviet Soldier memorial.

So there's a couple interesting things that've come up on different channels. I'd have to share them separately below 👇

For now, the first piece of news is, as I understand it, they dismantled it.💁‍♀️

2nd thing:

Translation of the Bulgarian text on the screen 😁 The author really does not know that the creepy statue has already been removed, but nevertheless, a funny addition:.

"I laughed so hard today, it's brilliant! Nedelcho Kostadinov managed to sell the statue, which he originally called the "naked demon" (it was created based on the "Game of Thrones" many years ago) as a statue of "Ukrainian mother!"

I hope this statue stays there forever, as a symbol of "Ukrainian demonic fascism" and the recklessness of Bulgarian Russophobes!"

And finally the Orthodox-themed channel "Devil shops in Dixi" sums it up:

🇧🇬🇺🇦The editors of our channel followed with interest today's epic in Bulgaria: a terrible sculpture called "The Cry of the Ukrainian Mother" was installed at the monument to the Soviet army in Sofia today.

It was stated that the sculptor Nedelcho Konstantinov dedicated the statue to the conflict in Ukraine. However, the “creation” turned out to be so unsightly that it was soon removed from sight.

Now it turns out that the “Cry of the Ukrainian Mother” is actually the “Naked Demon” (and confirms the first associations of those who see this sculpture for the first time).

We are inclined to believe that it could not have done without the participation of a very specific audience. It is doubtful that, for all their obsession with symbolism, they would have missed Friday the 13th.

#Bulgaria #Ukraine #Satanists
@dixi_devil keep your eyes open

Belgorod yesterday.

This is what war crimes look like and why I don’t consider the “northern offensive” a strategic threat. All they can do is bomb innocents. while absolutely terrible it serves no purpose. They will be dealt with in due time. Russia never forgets.

Maidan: Road to War

Maidan: Road to War was shot from 2014 to 2022, as the DNR and LNR territory was subjected to daily shelling from Ukraine. The film delves into the 2014 situation in Ukraine and pieces together the course of events.

The Maidan protests in Kiev in 2013 were prompted by the government’s decision to suspend the signing of the association agreement with the European Union. At first, the protests looked like a rock festival, but soon signs of hostility started to creep in from politicians and nationalists.

They were deliberately provocative. The leaders of nationalist organisations admit they had been preparing for violent street riots long before the protests engulfed Kiev. They planned a revolution to depose the government.

See how the events unfolded and what eventually led to the conflict in our film.


Slowaakse parlementsleden lopen weg bij speech president Zelenski: ‘Hij is een oorlogshitser en een leugenaar’​

De Slowaakse oud-premier Robert Fico, leider van oppositiepartij Smer, verliet dinsdag demonstratief de parlementszaal tijdens een toespraak van de Oekraïense president Zelenski. Hij noemde Zelenski een ‘oorlogshitser’ en een ‘leugenaar’.
Goh, alsof dat niet vooraf vaststond. :rolleyes:

Briefje van Jan:
En net toen ik dacht dat we na dit toneelstuk met het Songfestival eindelijk even een beetje rust kregen, las ik de Instagram-reactie van de Oekraïense president Volodomir Zelenski op jullie cadeautje.

Hij meldde dat het Eurovisie Songfestival volgend jaar in Marioepol wordt gehouden.

De stad die het zwaarst beschadigd is door de Russen.

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