
🇺🇦 Ukrainian neo-Nazies.

For those who say that "Slava Ukraini" a national greeting adopted by Ukraine in all govermental, military and educational structures of the country is not a Nazi slogan.

History does not change...

🇺🇦 Ukrainian neo-Nazies.

Ukrainians without provocations are not Ukrainians.

Straight after performing at Eurovision, artists from Ukraine decided to stand up and call for Europe to save the "Azov neo-Nazies" stuck in Mariupol.

Eurovision has a ban on political slogans. According to the rules of the competition, any country is to be disqualified for such act.

Althhough, Eurovision organizers have not yet commented on the incident.

We think they won't comment. It is a sin to criticize Ukraine today.

🇺🇦 If this is not natural selection, what is?

A bunch of smart individuals laid down their arms. It is better to be POW in Russia than to live under the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime.

🇺🇦 Ukrainian neo-Nazies.

Another innocent Ukrainian fisherman brutally murdered by a vicious Russian sniper, while catching fish of a boat to feed his starving family.

🎤Again about Eurovision!

Ukraine gave Poland a maximum score of 12, but Poland should have received at least 10 points from Ukraine. But got 0.

This is despite the fact that a member of the Ukrainian jury, singer Irina Fedishina writes that she gave 10 points personally. The photo shows a scan of her voting sheet. Fedinish can't understand how it happened.

"How did it happen that Poland got 0 points? I do not know the answer to this question… We are sincerely grateful to the Polish government and people for everything they do for us: they provide shelters for women and children, transfer huge humanitarian aid and support Ukraine in every possible way. It's invaluable. I'm sorry about what happened. I don't know how others voted, my points for Poland are 10," wrote a member of the Ukrainian jury.

😁🤔My humble opinion is Russian hackers again.

🇺🇦 Ukrainian neo-Nazies.

Ooh not again...

Why is there so many of these nut cases in Ukraine?!

Was Nato training Ukrainian neo-Nazies or cringy street performers for the past 8 years??

En uiteraard is dit een...♀️. GWZGOVVE.

🇺🇦 Ukrainian propaganda. 🤡 🤡

Renowned Ukrainian propagandist Dmitriy Gordon who is famous for his outrageous claims, overdid himself this time..

According to him, and "The Ombudsman Denisova", the "FASCIST" Russian soldiers, who were raised on Putin's propaganda are -


- a pregnant 16 year old girl, and her 78 year old grandmother were being raped, AT THE SAME TIME! 🤣🤣

- an 11 year old boy was raped, while his mother was tied to the chair and forced to watch!! 🤨🤨

- They do not stop! They rape everybody! The Men, the elderly, girls, boys. Whole families are raped!!!! 😨😱😱

- They are not even hiding! They commit these crimes publicly! 🤫🤭🤫

I think Gordon needs to see a therapist, his sick imagination is slowly taking over his consciousness...

A unit of the Teritorial Defense of Ukraine came under fire from the 🇷🇺Armed Forces 💥

The car of the 🇺🇦 and did not start,and they were running through the fields under fire

You can hear mercenaries in English,and they learn that THIS IS NOT IRAQ.

Met de evacuatie van Oekraïense troepen uit Mariupol lijkt Rusland na maanden van bombardementen de ooit welvarende stad in handen te hebben. Maandag begon de evacuatie van de militairen, die zich hadden verschanst in het laatste Oekraïense bolwerk in de belegerde havenstad: de Azovstal-staalfabriek.
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Since the whole day is devoted to Azovstal, then a little bit of work for you, which led to the success of negotiations on the surrender of the garrison.

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡⚡According to preliminary information, about 300 militants left Azovstal. About 50 of them were wounded. They are now being taken to the Central Regional Hospital of Novoazovsk, where they will be provided with the necessary medical care. The rest were taken away by buses in the direction of Yelenovka

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Buses, which take out the captured "Azov".

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Photos of the surrendered Azov pigs 🐽

Weer een NAVO-traingskamp in Liviv met de grond gelijkgemaakt:

🇬🇧🇺🇦 The British mercenary Andrew came to fight on the side of Ukraine, but soon laid down his arms and surrendered.

He was one of those who were sent to Bucha after the withdrawal of Russian troops from the city.

According to him, there were no “mountains of corpses” about which all Western and Ukrainian media were trumpeting, and local residents did not talk about any battles:

“It was exactly around April 3-5 - a few days after the Russians left. Personally, I have not seen any corpses, nothing like that. Everything looked untouched."

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Now, at the Azovstal tunnel, another group of Ukrainian servicemen is waiting to get out to be taken prisoner. The commander of the “Vostok” battalion of the NM DPR, Alexander Khodakovsky, said that one of the conditions for surrender was a ban on filming.

“The exit point is ‘our’ tunnel, the exit time is soon,” Khodakovsky said.

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR said that so far 256 people have surrendered at Azovstal, of which 51 were wounded.

🇷🇺🇺🇦❗The Russian Defense Ministry publishes a video after reports of the surrender of 265 militants from Azovstal

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ Azov pigs surrendering

🇷🇺🇺🇦 More Azov pigs surrendering


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